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  1. so do i. i do hope it will actually be released, even though the spaceplane itself is already released we don't have the rest.
  2. is this mod still alive? it looks dried out to me.
  3. kari do you have a planned release date for the mk3 version?
  4. excuse me but the iva had a error when loading so it looked very weird to me, it works just fine now! (sorry for the late response i was busy with some stuff)
  5. will there eventually be Artemis launched gateway modules?, i have pretty good blender experience so i could do contributions if wanted (and if i happen to not mess up).
  6. will there be a possible part category for bluedog design bureau featuring sounding rockets?. like the aerobee and other old sounding rockets?, it would add a lot to the pack.
  7. i didn't test this yet so does the flame trench actually work? like smoke comes out when launching?.
  8. i tried that game, my pc cried for mercy so it's not a great choice. thanks for telling tho!, i mean like the IVA of skylab is impossible to use as most of the things are just clipping trough the IVA
  9. when will we get a historically accurate IVA for all command module's and everything thats manned? release date of that aside i am very excited for that.
  10. so the service module does not have a decoupler, its not in staging nor in manual?
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