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Everything posted by Pipcard

  1. Symphony rocket SSTOs (5000 and 10000 kg into low Kerbin orbit) Returns to launchpad with MechJeb
  2. Sent one-way interplanetary probes, never did a manned mission to another planet and back yet.
  3. Mission 57 - Preparing to return to Minmus Moon Princess 7 Description: An autonomous rover equipped with scientific equipment. It also contains two seats for Kerbals. Mass at launch: 1787 kg (4156 kg with upper stage) Launch vehicle: Symphony-5k Type-01a Mission objective: Land on Minmus. NOT CANON ANYMORE
  4. I heard Dres has a deep canyon, but I never landed on Dres yet.
  5. That's not unoriginal; that's actually pretty creative.
  6. What about the idea of making each module have wheels?
  7. With their own terrain, too? I need some clarification on this.
  8. Actually, F2 to toggle the user interface on or off, and F1 to take a screenshot (saved to KSP_win\Screenshots).
  9. I love the retro aesthetic, as well as the diagrams that are shown for each mission.
  10. This is why I don't like it when people think of career mode as a "tutorial".
  11. My question is: how would you land these modules on the Mun in the first place?
  12. Return of Nebula-4 and 5: Mission 55 + 56 - New crew for Futurelab Mission 55 | Reusable Crew Vehicle 02 "Mirrored Sound" | RCV Flight 02 Mass at launch: 5140 kg Launch vehicle: Symphony-5k Type-01a Mission objective: Rendezvous and dock with Futurelab. Crew: Lemfrid, Seezer, Harsey, Hermy, and Kelvan Kerman Click below to see more: Mission 56 | Reusable Crew Vehicle 03 "Circulating Sound" | RCV Flight 03 Crew: Newmin, Aldely, Patwin, Wilke, and Milsted Kerman Click below to see more:
  13. With a 225 image limit unless you go premium? Images being deleted if they are not viewed within six months? No way, I use ImageShack instead.
  14. Maybe, if you're talking about jet aircraft, or SSTOs with jets and rockets. But not for pure rockets. Just leave an extra few hundred meters per second of delta-V, just in case.
  15. Inside the loop is essentially like pulling up towards the horizon (positive Gs) Outside the loop is essentially like pulling down towards the horizon (negative Gs)
  16. Inside the loop, because the human body has a lower tolerance for negative Gs.
  17. Which is why I admit to the use of quicksaving.
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