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Everything posted by Pipcard

  1. For the meantime, nosecones actually create more drag instead of doing what they're supposed to do (reduce drag).
  2. In a spacecraft docked to a space station orbiting Kerbin.
  3. KASDA is now in a separate blog! Mission 51 - experimental unmanned SSTO Reusable Prototype Vehicle Type-01 Description: A robotic vehicle designed to reach low Kerbin orbit without jettisoning parts (single stage to orbit) and return to the surface. It contains a toroidal aerospike engine for great efficiency in the atmosphere and in space. Mass at launch: 12002.5 kg Mission objective: Launch into low Kerbin orbit, then de-orbit and land near the space center. Click below to see more:
  4. That pun was completely unintentional and I didn't even realize it until now.
  5. Look at the bright side... at least the pad is lit up.
  6. Landed on Eeloo for the first time (0.21)
  7. They don't come from the forum, and they're called ribbons.
  8. In the game, it's officially called "Sun", not "Kerbol", so I use "heliocentric".
  9. You're welcome! I wish I had known how to resize parts when I started KASDA (the day I got KSP), so I could have 0.625 m solid rockets.
  10. The content rating system for video games. eC - early childhood (3+) E - everyone (6+) E10+ - everyone (10+) T - teen (13+) M - mature (17+) AO - adults only (18+)
  11. What about the reaction wheels? So... Probes before Kerbals to be more realistic? Or Kerbals before probes because it's called "Kerbal Space Program"?
  12. I used to love Comic Sans a lot. At one time, I even replaced every font on my computer with it. But now I'm into Century Gothic. Very modern.
  13. Closest: Mouhou Project 2, orbiting Moho Farthest: Wanderer-1, on solar escape trajectory
  14. Creative use of the Modular Girder Adapter for the Propserabimus satellite.
  15. There used to be something here about the suborbital test flights that took place before the first mission. I wanted it to seem like a prequel, with version 0.20 and no fairings. But later I thought that it didn't look too good and so I deleted it. Sorry.
  16. It looks like an alternate history in which an evolved Soyuz rocket takes Russians/Soviets (or their Kerbal equivalents) to the Moon (Mun)
  17. KASDA is over 6 years old (I only focus on one mission at a time, even with Kerbal Alarm Clock). Sometimes, there are spacecraft which only go within the Kerbin system (hours or days). And then there are space probes that take almost a year to get to their target. There's also waiting for launch windows.
  18. Mission 50 Payload: Wanderer-2 Description: Probe designed to explore the Jool system, with a small Laythe lander attached to it. Mass at launch: 1641.2 kg (1282.5 kg + 358.7 kg Laythe probe) Launch vehicle: Bottle Type-02a (LV-909 upper stage) Mission objective: Enter into an orbit around Jool, deploy the Laythe landing probe, and conduct fly-bys of all of Jool's moons. Click below to see more:
  19. Sounds like Sontar (home planet of the Sontarans from Doctor Who)
  20. The Huygens probe was attached to Cassini's side. When it was jettisoned, how did Cassini account for the change in center of mass?
  21. I already know about the usefulness of that (in-situ resource utilization for reusable landers on interplanetary "grand tour" missions). But what I'm talking about is kethane bases on the Mun or Minmus. The ones showcased in this thread. Are those useful?
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