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Everything posted by Pipcard

  1. Introducing the Swallow-class SSTO all stock, except for Kerbal Engineer (which is not a fuel tank, lift generator, or engine) The spaceplane, piloted by Jebediah Kerman, awaiting take-off. Climbing with jet engines Continuing into orbit with rocket engines In orbit, with solar panels deployed Proof of stable orbit (periapsis >70 km) Re-entry plasma over the sea west of KSC Runway approach Landed safely, with 1/3 jet fuel remaining
  2. I was playing 0.13 and below on the old laptop that I had before I got my current computer, so all I did most of the time was attaching a command pod with a parachute to a solid booster and flying over the ocean. With parts packs (the 0.13 demo allowed mods), I also made a satellite launcher with a fairing.
  3. Here's a solution: I wonder how people are able to make videos of this game with all settings turned to high.
  4. Made some retcons: Reusable Prototype Vehicle -> Reusable Prototype Vehicle Type-01 Reusable Crew Vehicle Type-01 -> Reusable Prototype Vehicle Type-02 Reusable Crew Vehicle Type-02 -> Reusable Crew Vehicle Also changed the founder's name to Hiroyuki Kerman (formerly Keroyuki Ito). The Kujita capsule is now named after Kujita Kerman (formerly Itoki Kujita).
  5. Mission 53 - 5-Kerbal reusable spacecraft Reusable Crew Vehicle 01 "First Sound" | RCV Flight 01 Description: A reusable spacecraft which is capable of carrying 1 pilot and 4 passengers into low Kerbin orbit and back. Mass at launch: 4990 kg Launch vehicle: Symphony-5k Type-01 (reusable SSTO booster with 5000 kg payload capacity) Mission objective: Launch into low Kerbin orbit, then de-orbit and land near the space center. Crew: Newmin Kerman, Henly Kerman, Lemfrid Kerman, Patwin Kerman, Wilke Kerman Click below to see more:
  6. Silly but serious Cartoony orbital mechanics
  7. I don't use PS anyway. I use a combination of Inkscape and GIMP, which are both free. Flag for my Jool system probe With Starvision's Flag Decals
  8. I'm a high school student taking AP Calculus. Does that count? The user below me has sent a probe to the Jool system.
  9. I think of an idea inside my head, then make it in the VAB with the Kerbal Engineer part to help me know the delta-Vs and TWRs of the craft/rocket. I don't need to make sketches for that.
  10. Try going into the settings.cfg of the folder where you installed KSP. Ctrl-F to find instances of "KerbinOcean", "EveOcean", or "LaytheOcean". Change the MinDistance to 3. Oceans seem to be the cause of most of the frame rate drops. And welcome from Orbiter-Forum!
  11. Don't know what I named my rockets (or if I ever named them) in the demo, but my first rocket in 0.20 was called "Onion Stick Mk. 01" (the actual .craft was called KERTSUNE, after the payload)
  12. All of them (Eeloo is not part of my ribbons because KASDA hasn't gone there)
  13. They're not all Vocaloid-themed. Here's an explanation: KERTSUNE: Kerbalized version of Hatsune (Miku) [note: If you don't know who she is, click here. And Vocaloids are basically a kind of singing synthesizer program.] Songbird: Not really Vocaloid-themed, just music-themed in general Moon Princess: The Japanese lunar probe is nicknamed Kaguya, who is a Moon princess. Starlight: Taken from this Miku song (titled "space infrastructure") Wish: Literal translation of Nozomi, the Japanese Mars probe (which failed to enter Mars orbit) Dawn: Literal translation of Akatsuki, the Japanese Venus probe (failed to enter Venus orbit but will make another attempt in 2015) Mouhou Project: not Vocaloid-themed; a pun of Touhou Project (but I haven't played any games in the series and don't really plan to) Wanderer: Named after this track M/IKU: Obviously a direct backronym Electric Angel: Named after this song (but I prefer the trance remix; it's more fitting for an ion probe travelling through space) Reusable Prototype Vehicle: possibly based on JAXA's suborbital Reusable Vehicle Testing program Peregrine Falcon: Literal translation of Hayabusa, the Japanese asteroid sample return probe. There is also a song about it, but I prefer this version. World is Mine: it's a well-known Miku song. Snow Fairy: the song "Snow Fairy Story" (but "The 9th" is the one about Pluto) Emerald, Topaz, etc.: this doesn't really have to do with anything other than "jewels" (i.e. Jool) Kujita: Kerbalized version of Saki Fujita (her birthday was yesterday - October 19), voice sample provider of Hatsune Miku. Nebula: Named after my first favorite Miku song Futurelab/Futurebase: (Miku (ミク) sounds like a nanori reading of future, 未来, normally read as "mirai"[2]) Reusable Crew Vehicle: CV (Character Vocal) series by Crypton Future Media (Kerpton is a Kerbalized version), of which Miku is a part of. - RCV-01 "First Sound": what "Hatsune" literally translates to - RCV-02 "Mirrored Sound": see here - RCV-03 "Circulating Sound": see here Moon Rabbit: East Asian folklore Project DIVA: Hatsune Miku rhythm games (but I've never played one because I'd rather just listen to the songs instead of playing a rhythm game) Negi Star: green onion (although some people translate it as "leek" but I'm not sure because I do notice a difference between the two); NASA/Lockheed Martin has a supersonic aircraft concept which coincidentally looks like one. Mirai: See Futurelab/Futurebase. It's also a recreation of an add-on project I'm doing for the Orbiter simulator. Hope Base: the Japanese module on the ISS is known as Kibo (hope) Song Princess: literal translation of "utahime" (songstress/diva) Hikari: Dawn is the only probe to visit Ceres, and is also the name of a character from Pokémon; Hikari [light] is the Japanese name of the latter.
  14. My space program is still on 0.21 (waiting for mods to update), and I prefer sandbox to career, so here's a pure rocket SSTO.
  15. Mission 52 - one-Kerbal rocket SSTO Reusable Prototype Vehicle Type-02 Description: A single-stage-to-orbit vehicle capable of carrying one Kerbal into low Kerbin orbit and back. Mass at launch: 25545 kg Mission objective: Launch into low Kerbin orbit, then de-orbit and land near the space center. Crew: Newmin Kerman Click below to see more:
  16. For the meantime, nosecones actually create more drag instead of doing what they're supposed to do (reduce drag).
  17. In a spacecraft docked to a space station orbiting Kerbin.
  18. KASDA is now in a separate blog! Mission 51 - experimental unmanned SSTO Reusable Prototype Vehicle Type-01 Description: A robotic vehicle designed to reach low Kerbin orbit without jettisoning parts (single stage to orbit) and return to the surface. It contains a toroidal aerospike engine for great efficiency in the atmosphere and in space. Mass at launch: 12002.5 kg Mission objective: Launch into low Kerbin orbit, then de-orbit and land near the space center. Click below to see more:
  19. That pun was completely unintentional and I didn't even realize it until now.
  20. Look at the bright side... at least the pad is lit up.
  21. Landed on Eeloo for the first time (0.21)
  22. They don't come from the forum, and they're called ribbons.
  23. In the game, it's officially called "Sun", not "Kerbol", so I use "heliocentric".
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