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Everything posted by Pipcard

  1. edit: images have been reuploaded to imgur. Mission 16 Payload: Songbird-5 Launch Vehicle: Onion Stick Mk. 02 Mission 17 Payload: Songbird-6 Launch Vehicle: Onion Stick Mk. 02 Mission 18 Payload: Songbird-7 Launch Vehicle: Onion Stick Mk. 02 Mission goal: Expand the Songbird network to 6 satellites. (This time, I used the power of math to get the maneuver nodes in the right location.) After three launches, the Songbird network was complete. Mission successful
  2. Kerbal Engineer can take solid boosters into account if you attach a liquid fuel tank (preferably a small one, like the Oscar- to the solid boosters. Just don't forget to take the fuel tank off before flying.
  3. edit: images have been reuploaded to imgur. Mission 14 Payload: Kujita-3 (Mk. 01b) Description: Improved version of the Kujita capsule with monopropellant tanks and RCS thrusters. Mass at launch: 4.525 t Launch Vehicle: Onion Stick Mk. 03-2S Boosters: Two RT-10 solid rocket motors First stage: JKJSPC LV-T30 liquid engine Second stage: JKJSPC LV-909 liquid engine (w/ extended tank) Mission goal: Launch into LKO and serve as a rendezvous target for Kujita-4, then safely return to Kerbin. Pilot: Jebediah Kerman This mission features the first use of boosters and launch stability enhancers on a KASDA launch vehicle. The ignition of the liquid rocket engine occurred after separation of the SRBs. Kujita-3 in orbit: Mission 15 Payload: Kujita-4 (Mk. 01b) Launch Vehicle: Onion Stick Mk. 03-2S Mission goal: Rendezvous with Kujita-3, keep a close distance for several minutes, then safely return to Kerbin. Pilot: Bill Kerman Kujita-4 was ready to lift-off about an hour after the launch of Kujita-3. After orbital insertion, what followed was a slightly intricate series of burns to rendezvous with Kujita-3. The final rendezvous took place at night, and KASDA had forgotten to put lights on the spacecraft, so Bill had to use his keen eyesight and the ship's onboard computer to meet with the spacecraft. (This was my first rendezvous ever in KSP (I didn't practice beforehand), and I did this all without looking up any specific tutorials, because of my previous experience with Orbiter Space Flight Simulator) Flying in formation Jebediah Kerman would be the first to de-orbit and land. (This particular shot reminds me of 2001: A Space Odyssey.) Jeb landed west of Kerbal Space Center. Mission successful Bill zooming past KSC during re-entry. KASDA's first water landing. Mission successful Landing locations (Jeb/Kujita-3 landed in the west; Bill/Kujita-4 landed in the east). The two missions had taken about one Kerbal day (6 hours) to complete.
  4. edit: images have been reuploaded to imgur. Mission 13 Payload: Starlight Description: A probe to study Kerbol from a safe distance. Mass at launch: 0.152 t Launch Vehicle: Onion Stick Mk. 02 Mission objective: Establish an heliocentric orbit between the orbits of Kerbin and Eve. Starlight plus the OS-02 second stage prior to the escape burn. The transfer orbit after the burn: About a day later, Starlight became the first KASDA spacecraft to escape Kerbin's sphere of influence. Over 40 days passed until the spacecraft reached periapsis, where the upper stage burned retrograde until Starlight's orbit didn't cross any planetary orbits. Separation occurred soon afterward. Mission successful
  5. Thanks. I like to have just the right launcher for a particular mission. Kerbal Engineer really helps in the planning process, and I practice the flight on another save file before doing it "for real".
  6. A mix of casual career with some casual sandbox.
  7. I came from Orbiter-Forum, so I was one of the first to find out about KSP. I never knew it was going to grow into something so popular. Also, it's interesting to see the origin of the term "Kerbal".
  8. edit: images have been reuploaded to imgur. Mission 12 Payload: Moon Princess 3 Description: A small probe designed to land on a small moon. Mass at launch: 0.491 t Launch Vehicle: Onion Stick Mk. 03 Mission objective: Land on the Mun. Traveling away from Kerbin: After insertion, the second stage lowered its periapsis below the surface before spacecraft separation. MP-3 then re-boosted its periapsis to a 15-20 km orbit at apoapsis, then lowered the apoapsis on the night side of the Mun. Beginning the de-orbit burn: Almost there... ...and touchdown! This was KASDA's first landing on another world. Mission successful
  9. edit: images have been reuploaded to imgur. Mission 11 Payload: Moon Princess 2 Description: A small probe designed for scientific observations while in orbit around a moon. (Less fuel and extra batteries compared to MP-1) Mass at launch: 0.446 t Launch Vehicle: Onion Stick Mk. 02 Mission goal: Achieve a low orbit around Minmus. MP-1 and the OS-02 upper stage on a parking orbit. The upper stage had to do a small plane change before the injection burn. Post-injection burn transfer orbit. Estimated time to the Minmus encounter was about a day. [image not found] Halfway to Minmus. MP-2 has entered Minmus's SOI. The initial capture orbit with an orbital period of about 1.4 days. MP-2 in its final orbit above the icy surface of Minmus. Mission successful
  10. Mission 10 Payload: Kujita-2 (Mk. 01a) Description: Identical to Mk. 01, but with an ASAS module. Mass at launch: 3.855 t Launch Vehicle: Onion Stick Mk. 03 First stage: JKJSPC LV-T30 liquid engine Second stage: JKJSPC LV-909 liquid engine (w/ extended tank) Total mass at launch: 10.780 t Mission goal: Achieve LKO then safely return back to Kerbin. Pilot: Jebediah Kerman Finally, the Onion Stick had been upgraded to a liquid first stage. Jeb felt more comfortable flying in a rocket with stages that had been built by his own company. Unlike the last mission, Kujita-2 achieved orbit. The capsule's namesake was a rocket scientist named Kujita Kerman. Jebediah performed a short EVA, too. De-orbit, re-entry, and landing occured almost two hours after launch. Mission successful It landed closer to the space center than last time.
  11. Mission 09 Payload: Kujita-1 (Mk. 01) Description: A one-Kerbal crew capsule (Command Pod Mk1) that was supposed to use the Onion Stick second stage for orbital insertion and de-orbit. Mass at launch: 3.755 t Launch Vehicle: Onion Stick Mk. 02 Total mass at launch: 11.680 t Mission goal: Achieve LKO then safely return back to Kerbin. Pilot: Jebediah Kerman First stage had no problems. However, due to an underestimation, the second stage did not have enough fuel to raise the periapsis above Kerbin's surface. The command pod separated from the rest of the vehicle, about to re-enter at near-orbital velocity. Parachutes were deployed high above the ground. The capsule landed almost half-a-world away from the space center. At least Jeb landed safely. Partial failure
  12. I would love to put a mission insignia on a rocket someday.
  13. Okay, what's up with these forum glitches? Mission 8 was deleted. Thankfully, I keep a backup of the posts. Mission 08 Payload: Moon Princess 1 Description: A small probe designed for scientific observations while in orbit around a moon. Mass at launch: 0.505 t Launch Vehicle: Onion Stick Mk. 02 Mission goal: Achieve a low Munar orbit. The OS-02 launched into a low Kerbin parking orbit before boosting towards the Mun. The second stage ran out of fuel during the injection burn, so the LV-1 did the rest. Munar Transfer Orbit Halfway there There was a brief issue before the Munar insertion burn: the spacecraft was inside Kerbin's shadow for quite a while, leaving it with zero electrical power. But luckily, the sun came out as the vehicle passed through periapsis, so the engines burned until it was in an elliptical transfer orbit. Then the final insertion burn was performed, placing Moon Princess 1 in low Munar orbit. Mission successful Note: When the spacecraft reached its final orbit, KASDA realized that the vessel had a lot of delta-v left. This happened because "Atmospheric Stats" was toggled on the Kerbal Engineer software. In conjunction with this delta-v map (which didn't take Kerbin's atmosphere into account), it resulted in an overestimation of the fuel required for this mission.
  14. How do I fix the "No Terrain Detected" glitch (when I leave the game and return)?
  15. At the time of this post: 6 flights, with 3 of them being in Kerbostationary orbit.
  16. Mission 06 Payload: Songbird-3 Launch Vehicle: Onion Stick Mk. 02 Mission 07 Payload: Songbird-4 Launch Vehicle: Onion Stick Mk. 02 Mission goal: Establish a rudimentary communications satellite network at Kerbostationary orbit. No problems with the two launches. The communications satellites were eventually placed in their final Kerbostationary orbits. Mission successful The Songbird network will provide minimal data relay services for people on the ground and people/probes in space.
  17. Mission 05 Payload: Songbird-2 Description: A small communications satellite with a single Communotron 16 dish and solar panel arrays and batteries. Mass at launch: 0.361 t Launch Vehicle: Onion Stick Mk. 02 First stage: Rockomax BACC solid rocket motor Second stage: JKJSPC LV-909​ liquid engine with longer tank compared to Mk. 01 Mass of launcher: 10.690 t Total mass at launch: 11.051 t Mission goal: Achieve a Kerbostationary orbit. Launch occurred without any issues; solar panels were deployed prior to apoapsis burn. Upper stage burned until vessel reached a Kerbostationary Transfer Orbit. At the apoapsis of KTO after an hour-long coast, the upper stage burned retrograde so it would re-enter the atmosphere. The spacecraft was separated, and increased its periapsis until it was in a Kerbostationary orbit. Mission successful There is a plan to expand the Songbird program to a series of satellites for global coverage. But for the meantime, Songbird-2 will provide communications services for only one part of the globe.
  18. Some sort of forum glitch had erased Missions 03 and 04. Mission 04 Payload: Songbird-1 Description: A small communications satellite with a single Communotron 16 dish and solar panel arrays. Mass at launch: 0.351 t Launch Vehicle: Onion Stick Mk. 02 First stage: Rockomax BACC solid rocket motor Second stage: JKJSPC LV-909​ liquid engine with longer tank compared to Mk. 01 Mass of launcher: 10.690 t Total mass at launch: 11.041 t Mission goal: Achieve a Kerbostationary orbit. First stage flight had no problems, but after the first second-stage engine cutoff, a problem was noticed as the ship approached apoapsis. The vessel didn't respond to any commands. It re-entered into Kerbin's atmosphere, crashing into the ocean. Later it was discovered that the cause was a lack of electrical power brought on by a lack of batteries. KASDA has learned its lesson, and will make sure to include batteries on any future uncrewed spacecraft. Mission failed
  19. I also have a save where I can test things non-conscientiously, and a save where I do things "for real".
  20. edit: Imageshack betrayed us all. Some sort of forum glitch had erased Missions 03 and 04. Mission 03 Payload: KERTSUNE-3 (Kerpton Electronic Research/Testing Satellite Using a Number of Experiments 3) Description: Identical to KERTSUNE-2, but with the MapSat technology. Mass at launch: 0.359 t Launch Vehicle: Onion Stick Mk. 01 First stage: Rockomax BACC solid rocket motor Second stage: JKJSPC LV-909 liquid engine. Mass of launcher: 9.565 t Total mass at launch: 9.924 t Mission goal: Achieve a polar mapping orbit around Kerbin. Rocket launch was nominal; second stage engine ran out of fuel while the vehicle was still on a suborbital trajectory, leaving KERTSUNE-3's LV-1 engine to do the rest of the work. The final orbit was 186 x 185 km, with a 83.82 deg inclination (thanks to this thread). The MapSat dishes were activated, and KERTSUNE-3 began mapping Kerbin's surface. Mission successful Imagery from KERTSUNE-3 will be commercially provided to customers around the world.
  21. I landed on Mars once, and made about it.I also made a small satellite launcher. You don't need to make a .dll for that; all you need is something called "multistage2" by Vinka, which involves making and editing configuration (.cfg) files in Notepad.
  22. edit: Imageshack betrayed us all. Mission 02 Payload: KERTSUNE-2 (Kerpton Electronic Research/Testing Satellite Using a Number of Experiments 2) Description: Upgraded version of KERTSUNE, with extra solar panels, equipment, and an LV-1 orbital engine. Mass at launch: 0.339 t Launch Vehicle: Onion Stick Mk. 01 First stage: Rockomax BACC solid rocket motor Second stage: JKJSPC LV-909​ liquid engine. Mass of launcher: 9.565 t Total mass at launch: 9.904 t Mission goal: Achieve a low-inclination, low-eccentricity orbit around Kerbin. The rocket launched in the same manner as the last mission, but there was one difference. The second stage would burn until the apoapsis was between 60 and 70 kilometers. The satellite would then be jettisoned so that the upper stage's orbit would slowly decay (unlike the first mission). KERTSUNE-2's LV-1 engine burned a few times, resulting in an near-circular orbit of 390 km (and 0.4 deg inclination). Mission successful Orbital map. KERTSUNE-2's orbital path is highlighted in blue.
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