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Everything posted by Felsmak

  1. I discovered an evil force on the Mun that can petrify Kerbals, leaving them with their lights as their only way to interact with the outside world.
  2. I recreated my old Kerpollo launcher with Procedural Fairings and headed out to the Mun again. It's quite difficult to fly as it uses the same stage for getting into orbit and moving on towards the Mun, but it works!
  3. Downloaded Procedural Fairings and recreated my old Kerpollo launcher.
  4. I see you found some of Jeb's gym equipment.
  5. I started playing yesterday, and now it's 2014. I'm scared!
  6. It looks like the smoke effect just bugged out, but I like to think that the impact actually generated a biblical explosion.
  7. Hmm... I did save it as a PNG. I did some Googling, however, and apparently Imgur converts large PNGs into JPGs. I guess I'll have to zip it and find another host, then. EDIT: There! Now I've changed the link on the front page.
  8. I actually don't mind some artistic license every now and then, even if I personally tend to stick to a more realistic colour palette. I do find the temperature thing to be mildly amusing, though. Like a very sophisticated easter egg, or something. Thanks! That would be Vall, though. It has been around for as long as Laythe and looked like that from the beginning. Anyway, the texture is now available for download on the front page!
  9. Magnificent! It feels as if I'm really there!
  10. I actually find it a bit sad that it got buffed. In a way it was almost charming when you could barely use it at all. Back then I could proudly announce that "LOL! I made it to Moho with an ion engine!", but now it's just not the same anymore.
  11. When I get worried I just hide all space objects and unknowns. Like Homer Simpson did with that engine light!
  12. Glad to hear that! Here's the beginning of the north pole. I'm thinking about leaving it rather plain; the Great Pancake looks interesting enough already, and two interesting poles on one planet might make the poor Kerbals' heads explode. And yet another in-game picture. Still an older version, but a little brighter.
  13. Saying "thanks" all the time is starting to feel a little awkward, but know that I still appreciate your comments very much! That picture of the hexagon is a really nice detail reference. Thanks! I probably won't make an actual hexagon, though - I feel that would just make it a green Alternis. But we'll see! Anyway, I think I'm starting to get something for the south pole - a special cloud formation. I call it the Pancake! Or maybe... the Great Pancake?
  14. That looks like pyrotechnically enhanced asteroid flatulence, and now I can't unsee it.
  15. It's not a mod, unfortunately. Just Photoshop.
  16. Thanks, everyone! I appreciate it. It feels like I'm stuck at the poles at the moment, though. I really don't recommend anyone to start with making theirs white - it gets really hard to apply good colour overlays later! Haha. But now I think I've found a good colour that doesn't look too out of place. I start with creating a few horizontal bars of different colours in Photoshop. Then I just blur them together and use the Liquify filter to paint the cloud formations. The many new shades created by the blurring are essential for this to work properly. It's also good to start with a large and not-so-dense brush at first, just to get a rough, wispy draft of the final map. Then you can increase the density and give the formations more detail. This makes the whole thing look a lot more defined and significantly less fluffy.
  17. I would really like to see the daylight effect implemented sometime in the future. The "lack" of stars doesn't bother me too much, though. I feel that a highly realistic skybox would look bad in a game like KSP - at least with the current graphics. The stars could certainly look more crisp, though. It's possible that my texture is a bit on the dark side, however. I'll try giving it some brightness of its own. Thanks! I actually used that as an inspiration. It's absolutely gorgeous.
  18. Thanks! Just need some more detail at the poles.
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