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Everything posted by Felsmak

  1. I've been building the base that will house my astronauts once they've landed on Duna. In this picture, you can see the surface habitat descend towards the spot chosen by the rover visible to the left. That feeling when you manage to land on the same spot twice!
  2. I agree that having just a flat surface for rings would be a bad idea. KSP is about exploration just as much as it is about spaceflight, so if they're going to include rings I would like it done properly or not at all.
  3. Thank you! Now I'm one step closer to the actual landing. I've landed a rover that will search for a scientifically interesting (read: pretty) location for the base that will house the Kerbals while they wait for the return window. I've also landed a robotic test lander just to make sure the actual lander can return to orbit and dock with the mothership. It worked better than expected!
  4. How did you get the Mun to look like it does in your latest work? It looks like it's actually made of rock, unlike the plastic one I usually end up with.
  5. I'm preparing a manned mission to Duna - the first in a long time. Lots of rockets will have to be launched!
  6. I discovered the demo shortly before the release of 0.15 and played it for a few weeks before I finally bought the full version.
  7. Usually something along the lines of "blablabla we came in peace for most of kerbalkind".
  8. Oh, come on! I have to attach struts to such a simple rocket? Just noticed that the crew tank IVA made it into the game. Sweet!
  9. Just go ahead and do it if you want to. It's no one else's business but your own.
  10. Nah, that would be League of Legends and Skyrim. KSP could very well come third, however.
  11. Is that a tear rolling down my cheek?
  12. A little less than a month. I discovered the game in early May and finally bought it shortly after the release of 0.15.
  13. After many failed attempts I've finally tamed Tylo.
  14. This thing just won't land straight.
  15. I almost landed on Tylo for the first time. I was not pleased.
  16. 10/10 One does not simply forget the guy who trolled you with his username.
  17. I drew this grass snake last year, when I wanted to practice drawing scales. It's so hard to get those bastards to line up properly.
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