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Everything posted by Felsmak

  1. It usually involves sacrificing lots of Kerbals to the Mohole.
  2. I've actually done a Gargantua-ish doodle of a black hole before. It's fairly crude, though. That lensing effect gets tricky at the accretion disc.
  3. I'm using Photoshop. Anyway, here's a little picture of Pluto I managed to throw together today!
  4. But what is so terrifying about love?
  5. I can't believe no one wants to watch Jebediah sleep!
  6. Jeb thought it was over. Jeb was a fool.
  7. The video was actually created by Dres for this very reason.
  8. I'm not sure if the forum actually changes the text in our posts to Comic Sans, or if people just play along to laugh at those who try it and end up writing normally - like that password censoring prank on Facebook. Let's find out!
  9. Is it just me, or does it always seem like the first points towards the next level come rather quickly, while the last seem to take forever?
  10. I had just installed NovaPunch for aesthetics and got a little confused about the fairings. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/11727-NovaPunch-I-don-t-have-any-2-metre-fairing-plates
  11. Bill, Bob and Jeb were all pilots from the beginning. Bob had been selected to become the first Kerbal in space, but got cold feet at the very last moment. Terrified of the rocket and the general idea of going to space, he asked his friend Jeb to do it for him - which worked because all Kerbals look exactly the same. Jeb agreed, adorably oblivious to the potential danger. The rocket blasted off into the sky, and no one noticed anything unusual until he had already reached orbit and happily exclaimed that he could see "Bob's house" from his window. He had not received any training whatsoever and was immediately ordered to return to Kerbin with the help of a few instructions that were sent to him through the on-board fax machine. To everyone's surprise, Jeb's capsule landed intact in the ocean outside the KSC, and he could be rescued and taken in for questioning without any trouble. However, no one ever found out what Bob had done, because all Jeb would talk about was how he wanted to do it again. Since the space program was new and they were short on qualified pilots anyway, Jeb was offered a job there on the very next day.
  12. Your computer has achieved a rare connection with the cosmos that few will ever get to experience. Be proud!
  13. And if anyone from SQUAD would actually care enough to feel a bit sad about my apparent dislike for Dres, I'd just like to point out that it's really one of my favorite bodies.
  14. You probably already know that Dres is the least popular object in the Solar System. This is why. Some people do claim to have visited it, perhaps even multiple times. But those people are lying.
  15. I read that as "Vents undies in fear". Whatever that would mean.
  16. It's pretty much the same thing as gas giant formation.
  17. Are you suggesting that Kerbals are less capable because they were created with green skin, large heads and four fingers? That's kinda racist.
  18. This topic blew up so fast I wouldn't be surprised if it could support fusion by tomorrow.
  19. But magma gets hard and has to be scraped off afterwards.
  20. I'm pretty sure some kind of seal in a series of other seals has been broken. Kermageddon is near.
  21. This thread needs to be purified in a sea of dragon fire.
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