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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. It's July, and you know what that means! It means those of us in the northern hemisphere are hiding inside with the air conditioning running and those of us in the southern hemisphere are hiding inside with the heater running. So why not get some KSPing done while it's icky outside? Some suggested activities follow. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Why re-invent the wheel when you can re-invent the kraken drive? @sgt_flyer put on his thinking cap and did just that. I still think it's cheating, but I'm not in charge of how you play the game. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** No one has achieved this expansion challenge yet. Especially me, as I have failed several times. But it still seems worth a try, so why don't you give it a go? You can't do worse than I did, anyway. Thanks to @Yakky for coming up with it. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Stock challenges have been busy recently as well, and this is one of the most popular current ones. @RealKerbal3x is keeping score. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** And while it may not be a new thread this month, BDArmory continues to be one of the more popular mods. Thanks go to@Papa_Joe@SpannerMonkey(smce)@gomker@jrodriguez@TheDog@TheKurgan@Eidahlil@DoctorDavinci for maintaining it. And thanks to @Nerfclasher for nominating the thread. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Congratulations to this month's selections, and enjoy your badge: (Sorry the formatting is a bit whonky in my post. The editor was really fighting me today.)
  2. Aw. How about just starting with a smaller rocket and working your way up?
  3. Remove the extra white ring stuff to decrease weight. Right click on the boosters and adjust the slider for thrust limit. This will reduce how hard they are pushing, meaning you will not overheat and explode (that's the red glow you saw). As for tipping over, neither the type of fins you are using nor the SRBs engines pivot to help with steering, which is part of your problem with flipping. But if you take the other steps I've mentioned, that will lower the center of mass of the rocket and help with the flipping problem. Good luck.
  4. I don't use mods so I can't help you with that part, but as for posting pics, what you will need to do is upload them to a hosting site such as imgur.com (it's free) and included the link they provide in your posts. And good luck with your mission.
  5. Modding question moved to the modding subforum.
  6. That's because the thread is almost 4 years old. However, OP still visits the forum, and might be persuaded to share the craft after all. (If he/she can find it.)
  7. Your old content has been merged into your new account.
  8. We don't generally get involved in this sort of thing. We'll close or open threads as needed, but that's about it.
  9. 12,020 meters in 2 minutes and 23 seconds, which, coincidentally, is when the pilot fell out.
  10. Was that a picture? Try uploading it to a service like Imgur.com (it's free) and use the link they provide in your post.
  11. Ce poste en français a été déplacé dans le sous-forum de langue française. Et bienvenue sur notre forum.
  12. Here's a basic method. Also, thread moved to Gameplay Questions.
  13. This discussion of add-ons has been moved to Add-on Discussions.
  14. And now that we can see what sort of question you're asking, the thread has been moved to Gameplay Questions.
  15. It's better than my PC, and mine runs KSP fairly well. Also, your question has been merged into the master thread for this kind of question.
  16. Thanks. I'll try it again, but not right away.
  17. 14.899m. Hmm. That's pretty dark. Here's a better view of the plane.
  18. Welcome to the forum, oanto80. Unfortunately, Imgur updates keep breaking album posting to this forum. How about linking the individual pictures?
  19. This game has never been sold as physical media. Only downloads from one source or another. Besides, it's continually updated, so a CD copy would be obsolete soon.
  20. Have you tried grabbing both at the edge and perpendicular to the faces? It might be tricky, but I'll bet you can get a grip on it if you come at it just right. As for the damaged ship, just land it and sent up an improved design?
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