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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. This question about how to play the game has been moved to Gameplay Questions.
  2. This is how we used to land on Mun, before you young punks came along. And then we'd turn right around and come home again, because Kerbals couldn't get out of the ships yet.
  3. Um, I haven't played that tutorial in ages, but it means to account for something, yes.
  4. A post or two have been trimmed from this thread. Mind the language, and please have something to say when posting rather than just excited noises.
  5. What's going on? The person/people who post the challenge get to make the rules, as long as they don't break forum rules. Please don't be angry with each other about it.
  6. Sure it was the actual money and not notifications?
  7. Is this really something worth getting mad at each other about, guys?
  8. I do not, but I have moved your thread to the modding subforum, where someone might.
  9. Well, that was anticlimactic.
  10. Fellow moderators, it seems someone has hacked our internal chat.
  11. "Not easy" is not the same as impossible.
  12. But can I have kerbals fight in WOW?
  13. Never heard of that. Thread moved to support, though, in case anyone has some insights to offer. Are you using mods?
  14. I used MSPaint. Here's a tip for you, though. To avoid problems with sizing and format, open a stock flag in your editing software, blank it, and put your own image in the space. And then of course save it under a different name.
  15. I present to you the single greatest video ever to be posted to the internet.
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