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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. There are all kinds of places on the internet where people can go to be harsh and critical of each other. We'd like this one to be different.
  2. Welcome to our forum, Hydrowelder. I did have to remove the log file itself from your post, since things that size can cause slow loading or page errors for our forum. Please feel free to upload it to a file sharing site and use the link they provide in your posts here.
  3. August's thread of the month is one of those ridiculously complex mechanisms I would never have the patience to get working. But fortunately we have @klond to do that kind of thing for us. Pinchy pinchy irises of the kind that I always associate with the air duct scenes of Alien (shudder), but maybe that's just me. Anyway, wear your badge with pride, klond. And thanks to @Servo for the nomination. It was the only one we received this month, guys. Remember, we can't feature them if you don't nominate them.
  4. How-to question moved to the how-to subforum. And good luck with your project.
  5. Firstly, turning the lights off or removing them will help quite a bit. Then go to the settings and turn down your graphics options until it's in orbit. See how that goes.
  6. @Kerbal Space Past Times, we've fixed your links for you.
  7. In summation, some people would like balloons in KSP, and others would prefer to punch each other in the face. Having settled that, let's move on, please.
  8. The forum was created in early 2012, and there was a time when the software had some kind of failure and they discovered that the most recent uncorrupted backup was from 7 months earlier, so post and rep counts were set back 7 months and all the new accounts created in that time we lost. Press F for my 40 lost rep points and roughly 1080 eradicated posts.
  9. Guys, it's time allow school officials, parents, and/or police deal with this situation and get back to talking about funny and interesting occurences. Calls for retaliatory violence are unwise and may have legal ramifications.
  10. Wait! Wait! I mean they don't count toward post total, but the likes do count.
  11. We pin threads to make them easy to find. That one is already easy to find because it's always on the first page.
  12. Some posts have been removed from this thread. Please don't make the discussions personal, and try to remember that not everyone here grew up speaking English.
  13. Thread moved to modded support. Good luck with your issue.
  14. Question moved to Gameplay, since it is seeking help rather than offering it. And sorry, I'm on PC, but a console player should be along soon.
  15. It's all the same, except the Gameplay and Technical Support sub uses a variation on the basic forum layout.
  16. When you do that ^ , you will find yourself here. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/guidelines/
  17. The way the engine exhaust is lighting the plane parts? You're blind. That is several years old.
  18. I'm a forum guy but not a tech support guy. If it's reproducible, then I'd say file a bug report. Other than that, I got nothin'.
  19. This discussion of the game's development should have been moved to Development Discussions a while ago, but I overlooked it. However, it's done now.
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