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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Its demise was due primarily to the roleplay aspect, which did keep cropping up in that sub, causing arguments which resulted in some bans and many warns.
  2. Before they were called likes they were called rep. Times change.
  3. Welcome to our forum, @rexscates. Unfortunately, large log files like that cause page display errors. Please host your files somewhere else and link to them in your posts here.
  4. The default throttle setting is now a player-set setting. OP may have accidentally changed it to zero? Also might have accidentally set an engine's thrust limiter to zero.
  5. Well, now I have to watch Serenity again. But of course I can't skip to the end of the story so now I have to watch Firefly again first.
  6. Overlapping threads have been merged.
  7. Because they already take up a lot of space on the pages. @cubinator @Deddly and @ManeTI , as for the RSS thread acting up, that's because someone, who is totally not me, screwed up a couple of days ago. This person, who is still not me at all, thought he had fixed it and is embarrassed to learn that he hadn't. He's sorry.
  8. Huh? Please don't post in the threads, nor report them just for funsies.
  9. Joke replies are one thing, but big walls of text which cause paging loading problems are taking things too far. Looks like this thread will have to remain locked.
  10. The scripts or transcripts of most movies can be found online, @Delay. Maybe look up the words that way?
  11. Your cat's left ear must be delicious. Have you tried it?
  12. There was some confusion, Duke Leto, but your question is now in the right place. Good luck with your issue.
  13. Don't get crazy with the font sizes, please. It makes people feel like they're being yelled at. And is this a joke thread or what?
  14. Welcome to the forum. I would tell you how to do that, except that I am lucky if my SSTOs leave atmo.
  15. Depends on how busy we are. 11 minutes in this instance.
  16. Craft sharing thread moved to the craft sharing subforum.
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