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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. This work of a fan has been moved to Fan Works. And welcome to the forum.
  2. No, those are the benevolent, sea-dwelling aliens from The Abyss.
  3. He'll meet these guys soon.
  4. Hello and welcome to the forum.
  5. Points are awarded on the severity of the offense, and they expire over time. If you have 5 active points, everything you submit goes through the new member queue for approval. If you have 10 active points, you can't post at all for a week and your posts need approval for 2 more weeks after that. If you accumulate 25, you're permabanned. We give 0-1 points for just about everything because that's almost always enough to remind people. You really have to put some effort into it to get more than that.
  6. tater lives at the factory where they make movies sunsets.
  7. This requires some elaboration. Are you talking about a mod?
  8. Modding question moved to the modding subforum. And good luck with it.
  9. Polls close automatically after a span set when creating the post.
  10. Unfortunately, you just need to keep checking the first post in the threads.
  11. Please don't joke about killing people on our friendly little forum.
  12. We will take the suggestion under advisement. Meanwhile, the discussion has taken a nasty turn and will be closed now.
  13. Is this for the Making History expansion or something you're trying to do in the base game?
  14. Yes, the mod team kept fixing Imgur album links but Imgur updates kept breaking them again. Sorry, but we've admitted defeat and no longer try to fight with it anymore. I've always just used individual images in my posts anyway.
  15. Is a wooded area really a good place to be playing with possibly explosive flammables?
  16. Track down all the people who used to work for Maxis and MicroProse in the early 90s and force them to resume making the best and least buggy games in the history of gaming.
  17. Please try to have something to say when posting to this forum, or at least making what you want to say clear. Nonsense threads have a tendency to derail and become problematic.
  18. Welcome to our forum, @uscespc. Unfortunately, large files in posts can cause slow page loads or even errors, so we've removed that from your post. Please upload that to a file sharing site and use the link they provide in your posts here. And good luck with your issue.
  19. I would fund a study to discover why @Deddly is so fascinated with arm bones.
  20. Forum rule 2.3.c All messages outside of the international sections should be in English or include an English translation. Sorry, guys.
  21. Some well-intentioned posts about EULA issues have been removed, not because they're bad, but because nobody here is an expert on this sort of thing, so let's please not derail the mod's thread with it.
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