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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Well, this thread sounds a bit like craft sharing, a bit like mission ideas, and a bit like mod showcasing. But we already have subforums for each of those. Squeezing a bit of all of them into one thread would be messy. Why not use those?
  2. @WhosayavecunK, please post in English on this forum, except when you're visiting the other language subforums.
  3. Since people asked this so often, we've chanted the job titles. Now they're moderator, senior moderator (more experience), and lead moderator (because we make policy decisions and stuff). Moderator emeritus is a one-time title for our departed (not dead, just traveling) comrade, former lead moderator Sal_vager, who did as much work as 5 ordinary mortal moderators.
  4. Oh, I'm sure they're right about it being manageable. But if I were up there, my reaction would be
  5. To paraphase, 'Hey, your space station is leaking air, but we didn't think it was worth waking you up about.'
  6. People tend to be on their best behavior in their first few posts, so we seldom find problem posts in the new member queue. But yes, there are some which are destined never to see the light of day.
  7. Overlapping threads have been merged.
  8. Some breeds routine have their ears and tails "bobbed." Originally it was supposed to be for their own health, but that never made sense to me and it's going out of fashion anyway.
  9. It's small and faded out until you mouse over it.
  10. They're not all on the same screen, and it's really not all that exciting, visually.
  11. How we do moderation things: we see the same forum interface you do, but ours has several more options. If you're getting the notification that you can't view a post or thread, it's most likely a broken link to something extremely old, which doesn't exist anymore due to forum software transitions.
  12. Going straight up will not get you to orbit by itself. I made another guide for that, so maybe try that one?
  13. Some posts have been removed. Complaining about necros just adds to forum clutter, people, especially in situations like this where the thread is still active and relevant.
  14. Depends on how it was hacked. Bad things, presumably.
  15. While I rarely disagree with @bewing and hesitate to do so now, all of my planes have been doing this for the last couple of versions of the game, regardless of their performance in flight. So I'm pretty sure it's entirely due to funky wheel behavior rather than aerodynamics or physics. It even happens when I set front landing gear brake to zero and back landing gear to full brake, which I do on all my planes as well.
  16. People are already uneasy about giving out information unnecessarily, and if they're asking for help, they could/should just specify it then.
  17. @Lisias, while the plane just barely making it off the runway was interesting and amusing, the sound on the vid unfortunately included some swearing. Please feel free to share a version without the sound, if you can find one, but we've had to remove that one because of our language rules on the forum.
  18. Jokes aside, guys, please lay off the big fonts and monster-sized posts, even in joke threads.
  19. As the Juno is an air-breathing engine, are you intending to try to get the Claw to grab things in atmospheric flight? Because that is going to be quite a challenge. It's a finicky part even when moving at minimal speeds in free fall. If so, then I think you're going to have bigger problems than the design of the craft, and the whole idea might just be unworkable. Consider that before you put more time and effort into trying to make the thing. Just my advise.
  20. Your small planes probably are trying to do the same thing but the reaction wheels are strong enough to stop it on craft their size. Pictures of the plane in question would help diagnose the problem.
  21. @Jeine092 you're not wasting anyone's time, and no one should be accusing you of trolling. Please don't feel bad or apologize for having difficulty with an aspect of the game. Maybe try my guide. I haven't updated it for a while, but it should still be valid. If it doesn't help, ignore it and try someone else's guide.
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