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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. The title of this thread has been changed for clarity.
  2. If we could see a picture of your craft, I suspect the control part has been placed upside-down. Oh, and thread moved to Gameplay Questions since you are seeking help rather than offering it.
  3. Did you maybe remap the keystrokes? Did it used to work and stop or what?
  4. There is still a disconcerting scarcity of submarines in this submarine mission.
  5. When you submit a thread to this forum please try to have something to say, or at least give it some rules if it's meant to be a game and submit it to forum games.
  6. That was not "a few years ago" but one year ago, so why not continue the original thread to keep the discussion all in one place? Overlapping threads have been merged.
  7. What is it a picture of, though? Looking lengthwise down re-entry heat animations?
  8. It's a relatively new feature which has only been added to some of the parts. It may be added to others later.
  9. Given differences in inclination to most worlds and the accuracy needed over long distances, Mun is the only place where you might be able to do this consistently. So I'd suggest not bothering to get it precisely right in transit and just assuming that you're going to need to do some adjustment after arrival.
  10. Can you right-click on the thruster clusters and turn them on? I don't know why they might be off, but it could get them working and serve as a clue to the cause.
  11. Doesn't sorting by start date do what you want? Meanwhile, thread moved to Kerbal Network.
  12. You know the kinds of bizarrely acrimonious disputes you see between individuals on the forum? Now imagine that but with coalitions of players hating and attacking each other, not just in a Rocket Builders subforum, but in unrelated threads and ranting PM exchanges as well. Rival "companies" having feuds and insulting each other's designs. That is what got the RB subforum shut down. The worst of it was just before I joined the moderating team, but at least one person got permabanned over it, there were several tempbans, and lots of warns issued.
  13. We don't discuss the reasons moderators leave the team anymore than we discuss the personal business of forum members. I will say this, though, because it has always struck me as odd. The vast majority of departing members simply drift away without saying they're going and are removed from the team only when it becomes apparent that they're not coming back.
  14. That is part of the forum so the usual forum rules apply.
  15. But... where's the submarine? There's an airplane on a boat, but no submarine. If there is a submarine at some point, you should name it the SubBeagle.
  16. Overlapping BFR threads have been merged.
  17. On the post compose screen of Kerbal X there's a pictures box about halfway down, where you can copy image links into your post.
  18. Modding question moved to the modding subforum.
  19. Since this is meant to be a challenge, it has been moved to the Challenges subforum.
  20. Welcome to our forum, cornik. Unfortunately, files that large cause slow page loading or even errors on a forum like this, so yours has been removed. Please upload it to a file sharing site and use the link they provide in your posts here.
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