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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Edited or removed some posts. No need to attack each other over this, guys.
  2. Tempers are running pretty hot in this thread. Please take a moment to calm down.
  3. As Cubinator says, people can opt to be unfollowable.
  4. Well, it's inadvisable. Depends on the circumstances. Why don't we handle the rest of this through a report or PM for confidentiality reasons?
  5. Here's a complaint. The complaint thread is veering into a debate about nuclear power and environmentalism and stuff. I hate it when it does that.
  6. Each forum post, profile message, and personal message should have a link on the upper right which says "report post," or something similar. It's light gray and you might need to mouse over it to see it. You will need to find something that person has submitted and hit that button, then enter a message describing the problem to us. A person's account page can not be reported, itself, but if the problem is there you can still click on a post or whatnot and tell us the issue is somewhere else.
  7. Please keep in mind that what may seem like enthusiasm from your side can feel like a demand or even harassment from the other side. Asking for updates is fine, but repeating them, phrasing them brusquely, and using unusual fonts and text sizes can be taken the wrong way.
  8. Pinned threads are sorted like all other threads; by most recent post.
  9. Since this version is out, the hype train has reached the end of the line.
  10. Unfortunately, it is illegal to trade versions made after Squad started selling the game as a product. See this thread to find the versions it is legal to acquire.
  11. Now that the OP has added more info, this appears to be a how-to question. And so, moved to the how-to subforum.
  12. Thread moved to Gameplay Questions, since it's seeking help rather than offering it. Now that we're here, have you built many airplanes? A KSP submarine is an airplane if you look at the problem upside-down. Instead of making it lighter to get off the ground, make it heavier to get under the water's surface. Pretty much the only way to do that, though, is by using ore tanks pre-filled as ballast, because those are the only large parts which will normally sink. So put a bunch of those on there. And if you get close to sinking just on the weight, then add some control surfaces to steer the craft the rest of the way down. Just like a plane only stays up while in motion, though, such a sub will tend to drift up toward the surface when not in motion. Which can actually be a good thing, because your pilot is less likely to get stranded at the bottom if something goes wrong.
  13. I don't know. Also, modding question moved to the modding subforum.
  14. There was an argument in this thread but we're being told that it was resolved, so it's been removed.
  15. It's not clear what's going on in this situation, but please avoid speculating about OP's motives. A post or two has been removed from this thread.
  16. Unless you're wondering why your Renault pickup truck doesn't fly well, that appears to be a faulty link.
  17. Upload your pics to a sharing site, such as Imgur.com, and copy the link they provide into your posts here.
  18. Trimmed a post. Guys, when we asked you to play nice, that meant we wanted you to, you know, stop being cranky and condescending with each other.
  19. So guys, how about not getting into an argument about what constitutes politeness?
  20. That is not the top secret moderator subforum. That is only the middle secret moderator subforum. There is a topper secreter admin subforum you can't see, though I can. And, I've been told, a toppest secretest forum founder subforum that I can't see, either. But that could be an urban legend.
  21. Actually, we probably shouldn't be giving out any specifics about our backups and security and stuff. And no, I do not check this thread first, but I do check it every time.
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