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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. A pile of posts have been moved here from the unrelated thread where they were submitted. Carry on.
  2. Thank you @James Kerman but there was already a thread for this mission, so yours has been merged into it.
  3. Many of the early tech tree parts do not contribute to steering (fins and engines which don't pivot) , and you may not have as much control over your ship as you think you do. Pictures often help diagnose such problems. How about some of those?
  4. This discussion of add-ons has been moved to Add-on Discussions.
  5. Sorry to confuse you, but 1) that was a joke and none of us are ill, and 2) the moderators are not involved in this writing challenge anyway.
  6. It was thoughtful of you to put the log in spoiler tags, g0lg0, but even within them a file size that large can cause page loading problems on the forum, so it's been removed. Please upload the file to a sharing service and use the link they provide in your post here. And welcome to the forum.
  7. Hey guys. We've removed some posts from the thread because the discussion was staying into current politics. As interesting as that subject may be, talking about it here on the forum never ends well. Please restrict the discussion to the technology of the planes and stay away from the uses to which their owning governments are putting them.
  8. Figments of you imagination, as far as I can tell. There are no bots, but a lot of the Squad people are not prolific posters and so have accumulated little rep.
  9. Some hails have been pruned. Please don't get carried away with the joke posts to the point that they cause slow page loads and stuff.
  10. Yes, that. There's probably a technical word for it, but I don't know what it is.
  11. In most instances, if there are engines which can burn without incinerating what's below them, your net efficiency will be better if you burn them in addition to the fuel-efficient ones than if you just carry them as dead weight. Somebody who's better at the math could tell you where the cut-off point is at which this would become detrimental, but it's going to be an unusual scenario such as a very long, low thrust interplanetary transfer burn.
  12. If you have mounted engines on the ship which you are not firing, you have much bigger fuel efficiency problems than Oberth math. Engines are heavy and engines that are not burning are dead weight which reduce the efficiency of the engines which are firing. That fact is going to overwhelm differences of engine efficiency in most applications.
  13. I have no idea what's causing your issue, but I wonder if it's connected to the fact that it was a NIGHTMARE to get the at-pinging to work on people's names while composing that.
  14. Yes, it's very late this time. Several of our people are dealing with real world things right now and we're a bit under-staffed. One guy is having a baby. Well, it's actually his wife who is having it, but you get the idea. Also, we've been sick. And it's not our fault. And the dog ate our first draft. Yeah. So. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Mr/Ms/? @Klapaucius says, We agree. Congratulations to @XxxCanadianZimxxX ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** We've all experienced it. This here is a complex game, and as you're dealing with the complex stuff, you do all the math and rocket science and get to Eeloo only to realize you have no landing legs on your Eeloo lander. @Kerbalstar knows what it's like, which is why she/he nominated @MaverickSawyer's ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Long-term forum member @Ultimate Steve would like long-term forum member @GregroxMun to receive some recognition for his alternative solar system. Not a new thread this month, but one folks seem to still be enjoying. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** We were all newbies to the game at some point, and who doesn't like a trip down memory lane from time to time? Some guy named Vanamonde thought @The_Cat_In_Space's discussion was a cute idea in which we could all share. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** And as you look out the window and watch the seasons change this fall (or spring, for you upside-down people), don't you wish you could also watch them change in KSP? Well, @Dagger did, and in so doing impressed our @Dman979 into nominating his/her work. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Thanks to our nominators, congratulations to those selected, and wear your badges with pride. Remember to tune in next month when we will make a greater effort to get this done on time.
  15. This request for help with a mod has been moved to the modding help subforum.
  16. This discussion of add-ons has been moved to Add-on Discussions.
  17. I had a game preview vid lock up and give me that problem a couple of months ago. I logged entirely out of Steam and back in and that fixed it.
  18. This work of a fan (for such it will prove to be) has been moved to Fan Works.
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