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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. That's this thread's secret, Cap. It's always locked.
  2. For the next 3 days, 60% off the game and 34% off the expansion.
  3. Actual science being discussion, so the thread has been moved to the science subforum.
  4. That's not an image icon. It's labeled "Imgur album" and appears to be one of the work-arounds left over from a previous generation of forum moderators in their continual battle to keep Imgur albums working despite Imgur's updates repeatedly breaking them. It doesn't appear to work anymore and can probably be removed.
  5. Links from just about any picture hosting site should do. There's no requirement to use Imgur.
  6. Thread moved to The Lounge, since it's not about KSP.
  7. This question about how to play the game has been moved to Gameplay Questions. Also, welcome to the forum. More also, asteroids can be quite massive, so the farther out you start adjusting its path, the more you'll be able to move it. When I try missions like this, I send my ship out to rendezvous with one while the roid is still out between the orbits of Kerbin and Duna. I'm not saying that closer interventions can't work, but they can be MUCH harder. So my suggestion would be to not wait in any kind of Kerbin orbit, but rather to go out and meet it as far away as you are able.
  8. My best advice would be simply to not get discouraged. I have been playing this game for 6 years, and most of my SSTO designs still fail. Badly. But it sure is nice when they do.
  9. This subforum is for greeting newbies, but also a place where they can ask questions before they're confident enough to venture out into the main forum. That being said, lalacka, I would advise you to retain your save at this point and just keep trying the mission until you rescue the ship yourself. If it doesn't go well, just re-load the save. It would be good practice. And welcome to the forum, and your English is fine.
  10. Thread moved to The Lounge, since it's not about spaceflight.
  11. I CAN'T STAND IT ANY LONGER! EVERY TIME I SEE THIS THREAD ON THE LIST I THINK OF THIS! https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/c164290f-a3ad-4bce-a0d7-2cec46749e94
  12. Is this on the Squad store or another venue?
  13. A number of posts have been removed from this thread. Just because you disagree with someone or find the poster's tone unpleasant is no reason to throw insults around of accuse people of trolling.
  14. A reminder, folks: it is illegal to share the versions made after Squad started selling the game. Some posts have been removed.
  15. Question moved to modded support, where folks will need a lot more information to help diagnose your problem. Please list the mods you're using and a picture of the craft in question is often illuminating.
  16. I kept exploding when I hit the ground and was hoping more landing legs would absorb the shock better. Eventually, I figured out to just touch down at a much lower speed.
  17. A number of posts have been removed or edited because of a rather nasty argument. Please don't insult each other. If you see a post which you think is a a problem, just hit the report button and let the moderators deal with it.
  18. This suggestion for the game's development has been moved to Suggestions & Development.
  19. I think what Gargamel means to say is welcome to the forum and it was nice of you to offer help to another forum member in your first post here.
  20. Nice sense of satisfaction to be had from assembling things in orbit.
  21. Orbiting Kerbin is a fine start. Welcome to the forum.
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