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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. I have never seen that happen. But it sounds like a support issue, and so, moved to Support.
  2. Congrats. You found an easter egg. There are several more here and there.
  3. Let's please not do the EU law thing again. Until we hear otherwise from the legal experts, this forum's policy remains unchanged.
  4. That's correct. We don't delete accounts on this forum, though we could ban it if you request so that no one, including you, could use it.
  5. This question about how to play the game has been moved to Gameplay Questions.
  6. This discussion of add-ons has been moved to Add-on Discussions. And overlapping threads have been merged.
  7. Please keep in mind that the cartoonish aspects of KSP draw many younger people to the game and the forum, and for that reason, we ask folks to avoid discussions of things such as sex in space. For that reason, some posts have been trimmed from this thread.
  8. Your question has been moved to its own thread, @rib3irojr. Good luck with it.
  9. Some posts have been edited. Mind the language please, guys.
  10. Maybe. Real life stuff gets in the way. Sick family members, job changes, new babies, etc. Thanks for expressing interest, though.
  11. It was suggested that we moderators split the growing tesseract discussion into its own thread, but since several of you talked about both subjects in your posts, that would have made gibberish out of both discussions. So we'll just invite your folks to take that subject to its own thread and let this one remain about bad SF.
  12. I attach my wings to the hull at a single point and then build the wing from that root part. The reason is that if I need to adjust the center of lift, I can do it by grabbing that single part and moving the entire wing. I do not build many large aircraft, though, so I don't know how advisable that is in terms of structural strength.
  13. Adding to what Snark said, if you see a post which you think is out of line, please report it and let the moderators deal with it rather than answer it yourself. If the other party is going to get mad about it, let them get mad at us, the moderators, while you get on with your life and do more pleasant things than argue with each other.
  14. It's actually rare for forces to get so severe that parts rip off, so I don't actually remember whether there's a report entry for that.
  15. Did they perhaps break off and then, as separate objects, collide with the ship?
  16. So the purpose of this is to find things labelled as stupid or obnoxious on this forum? If so, that is a very bad idea which would hurt the feelings of your fellow forum members.
  17. Smoke alarms are pre-made, commercially available, and need only to be mounted. Why not use one of those?
  18. Any rocket building info in this thread is use at your own risk. Squad is not responsible for any badness resulting from this discussion. Neither is Take Two. And most especially, I am not. No one will reimburse you for the loss of any appendages or sensory organs resulting from following advice or "facts" in this thread. Do not try this at home.
  19. The title of this thread has been edited for clarity. People need to know what you're talking about in order to discuss the matter, right? Please don't change it back.
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