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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. OP has not been on the forum for quite some time, @Nuges, but it was nice of you to offer help.
  2. Could we get back on-topic, please? How's it going, @Jeine092?
  3. Modders would know this. And so, moved to the modding subforum.
  4. Really, guys? This had to turn into an argument?
  5. There are people who don't use F? Why? With SAS on, make a small change to your attitude then hit F. Resets the aim point to the current heading. Isn't this what everybody does?
  6. No, we gots kiwis, including one of the moderators.
  7. Could you be more specific about the kind of problem you're having?
  8. In an earlier version of the game, Moho itself gave off heat that could damage craft, but that was removed ages ago. Now it's a normal planet, and far enough from the sun that it doesn't require special protection.
  9. Welcome to our forum, @techminer71. Unfortunately, very large log files like that can cause problems, so your post was trimmed down. Please upload it to a file sharing site and use the link they provide in your posts. And good luck with your issue.
  10. Looks like this is going to end up being a craft sharing thread. And so, moved to the craft sharing subforum.
  11. We could lock the thread if OP wants, or you could use this thread to invite people to roleplay somewhere other than this forum.
  12. Modding question moved to the modding subforum. And I don't know the answer.
  13. It's a personal message. You hover the mouse over someone's avatar to find the envelope icon.
  14. Honorable of you to correct the crediting situation, @DoctorDavinci. I have copied your text into the original post.
  15. Some posts have been removed from this thread. There's no need to attack each other over this stuff, guys.
  16. Well, that's a style of play question and different people will suggest different things. Since you asked, though, I would take either "advanced rocketry" near the top for more versatile engines and fuel tanks, or "electronics" at the bottom for the solar panels and batteries which will allow your flights to last longer without running out of power. And now it's late night in my part of the world, so good luck and I'll check back tomorrow.
  17. Ah, I see what you're doing now. You're fine on the way up, but coming straight down like that from a great height exposes the craft to a great deal of heat. There are "heat shield" parts you could put under that science part to protect it, but you may not have invented those yet in your career. I would suggest instead turning the ship over and letting that blue nose piece lead the way as you're coming down. You still might have trouble, but that would help. See, the thing is, that science part is especially sensitive to heat and likes to explode whenever it can. Another thing you can do to help the science part survive is r-click on it after you have taken the science reading and clicking to "close the door," which will help it resist heat. I could give you some other suggestions but you said you didn't want to be overwhelmed, so maybe just try those for now. I hope you do stick with the game, because while it can be hard to learn, it's extremely rewarding when you can get your ships to work.
  18. It's July, and you know what that means! It means those of us in the northern hemisphere are hiding inside with the air conditioning running and those of us in the southern hemisphere are hiding inside with the heater running. So why not get some KSPing done while it's icky outside? Some suggested activities follow. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Why re-invent the wheel when you can re-invent the kraken drive? @sgt_flyer put on his thinking cap and did just that. I still think it's cheating, but I'm not in charge of how you play the game. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** No one has achieved this expansion challenge yet. Especially me, as I have failed several times. But it still seems worth a try, so why don't you give it a go? You can't do worse than I did, anyway. Thanks to @Yakky for coming up with it. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Stock challenges have been busy recently as well, and this is one of the most popular current ones. @RealKerbal3x is keeping score. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** And while it may not be a new thread this month, BDArmory continues to be one of the more popular mods. Thanks go to@Papa_Joe@SpannerMonkey(smce)@gomker@jrodriguez@TheDog@TheKurgan@Eidahlil@DoctorDavinci for maintaining it. And thanks to @Nerfclasher for nominating the thread. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Congratulations to this month's selections, and enjoy your badge: (Sorry the formatting is a bit whonky in my post. The editor was really fighting me today.)
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