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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Some posts have been removed from this thread. Please remember that it may seem like encouragement for you to ask a modmaker to update, but to the modmaker, a succession of these posts can start to feel like harassment, especially if it's clear the asker has not read information already in the thread. However, some posts mocking those asking for updates have also been removed. All that kind of thing does is add to the off-topic clutter in the thread and make the forum seem unfriendly to new members. If you see a post which you believe may be troublesome, please just hit the report button on it and leave it to the moderators rather than reply yourself.
  2. Every piece of complex software is going to have some bugs. No reasonable person expects otherwise, and no reasonable person attacks the software maker in such a personal way. That's especially true in the case of mod makers, who do not get paid for their work, and offer it solely in hopes that fellow players will get some enjoyment out of it.
  3. Faulty link snipped to forestall more hilarity at OP's expense.
  4. This discussion of add-ons has been moved to Add-on Discussions.
  5. Maybe, but it's a case of the solution being more work than the problem.
  6. Why is no one complaining about anything in the complaint thread? Back to the topic, please.
  7. Some people feel the current version is too buggy and are angry about it. Some people are angry that those people are angry. None of this will fix the bugs, and since the thread has progressed from a bit of reasonable venting to attacking each other over how angry to be and what to be angry about it, it's time to move on to other discussions.
  8. This discussion of add-ons that don't exist yet remains in Add-on Discussions.
  9. This discussion of add-ons has been moved to Add-on Discussions.
  10. Thread moved to the proper subforum, and good luck with your issue.
  11. Upon review, it does not seem as though there is a way for this discussion to proceed in a productive way. The thread will remain closed. Please move on to other discussions.
  12. The stock ships are simply provided as examples to play with and are not optimized. They're there to give you ideas so you can make your own, better ones.
  13. Could you be more specific about what kind of help you were seeking?
  14. Need to get motivated to go fight a war or something?
  15. Having wandered somewhat far from the subject of the thread these posts were in, they have been moved here. We'd rather not ban anyone, but you may have noticed that we have a language filter and ask people to be polite to each other while they're here. Please observe our rules, and you'll remain welcome here.
  16. Okay, some personal remarks have been removed. Please remember that mod makers are unpaid volunteers and are under no obligation to work at a schedule which pleases you. On the other hand, if you see a post which you believe is a problem, please just hit the report button on it rather than replying. Replies just prolong arguments and contribute to the off-topic clutter others must click past to get to the content of the thread.
  17. Where did you get it originally? If from the store, it should be an option listed right beside downloading the stock edition. If from Steam, uh, I don't know, because I didn't get it through Steam. And other methods vary by source.
  18. "I thought you were doing it?" "I thought it was done?" "Wait, who's doing it?" Etc. Better late than never: ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Who doesn't like new parts to play with? @MaverickSawyer does, for one. What aerobatics have your Kerbals invented? Share them in the thread. **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Many folks are trying out the new mission builder. (Not me. I've been sick. But I digress.) Here's a nice example of a challenge/historical recreation from @Lupi. I haven't tried this recreation, but I watched the real mission live. Does that earn me any points? **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Another nice little quick one was made by @Snark. Requires no special equipment or preparation. Just effective navigating. Only took me 9 tries. Okay, so that's not that great. You can probably do better, and here's your chance to prove it. **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Congratulations to our selections, and enjoy your badges!
  19. Not sure what's happening here, but the policies of another forum are not an issue for this forum. Also, bringing politics into discussions here never ends well, so thread closed. Why not just talk about KSP here?
  20. Only by reverting to an entire previous version of the game. Sorry. Also, thread moved to support.
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