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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. This report of a mission has been moved to Mission Reports.
  2. Test each stage of your craft in flight before you add the next stage. Prevents NO END of trouble. When building planes, assemble the entire wing from only one root part which attaches to the fuselage. That way you can fine-tune the balance of the entire wing by moving one part.
  3. Some posts have been removed. No need to get testy about things.
  4. The first one was kinda cheesy/fun, and the second one isn't out yet.
  5. I think what these guys mean to say is, "Thank you for sharing your interest in science with other KSP players, @daniel l."
  6. Sorry, guys, but the video includes some foul language, and thus is not suitable for our forum.
  7. I thought the movie was lame, but the theme music has over 17 million views, some of them even by people other than me.
  8. Looks like this is going to be construction advice/craft sharing, and so the thread has been moved to Spacecraft Exchange.
  9. Moved to Science & Spaceflight, since it's not about the game itself.
  10. Please don't accuse people of being spam. If it is a bot, we moderators will take care of it. If it's a person, you've just insulted him or her.
  11. Please bring the discussion back to the topic of this thread, rather than arguing over what does and doesn't fall under the term "DLC."
  12. It's taking a break right now, but will be back.
  13. The company that makes KSP was bought, and the store has been offline during the transition. it's expected to be back up before long.
  14. There have been several odd little hiccups lately.
  15. I never understood why anyone cares what the PC unit itself looks like, since the only part one actually looks at is the monitor.
  16. Yes, this is a fairly simple thing, but can be laborious, so not something we would do by request.
  17. Modding question moved to the modding subforum.
  18. @Krow, that link doesn't point to where you seem to think it points.
  19. References to the government of Germany 1937-1945 are banned on this forum because: the genocidal racism of those times is still an open wound for many people the movement is (disgustingly) not entirely dead in several countries as of 2018, and therefore falls under our ban on politics there was a period when a small group of particularly troublesome forum members would insert references to and the symbols of that movement into unrelated posts on the forum, resulting in arguments, warns, and outright bans. It was, in short, no end of serious trouble. And so that ban is not going to be lifted. Now, guys, we really need to move on because discussions about the stuff that can't be discussed on the are, obviously, not going to go well. Any further concerns should be raised with moderators through PMs.
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