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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. How about a picture of your ship with the instrument displays showing?
  2. Thank you to those who tried to help, but as for the others, please don't derail threads just because you don't like the topic. Thread closed.
  3. Since you're suggesting this be added to the game, your thread has been moved to Suggestions.
  4. Yes, that is considered bumping. If people do have anything to say, they will say it without prompting.
  5. This discussion of add-ons has been moved to Add-on Discussions.
  6. Some posts have been removed from this thread. "Bumping" is considered bad internet manners, so please do not post simply to move the thread to the top of the page.
  7. Some posts about politics have been removed from this thread. Sorry, folks, but that never ends well here.
  8. Howdy. That sounds like a lot of contracts to be refusing. Aren't there any that you like?
  9. That plane has A LOT of control surface area. I would suggest removing about half of them, because I think your problem might be that they're exerting all sorts of stresses on the craft. Also, your thread has been moved to Gameplay Questions, and welcome to our forum.
  10. Setting your PE at 32kms or less will brake you to a vertical fall from just about any starting speed. So if you're still moving laterally when you're low enough to hit the ground, you are setting your PE WAY too low, exposing the ship to unnecessary deceleration Gs and possibly excessive heat. This is true even of planes. Bring it down belly-first and it should still slow enough to switch to controlled horizontal flight during which you can steer the thing away from obstacles.
  11. @KidFuryGX, why not ask your questions in the thread for this mod? To aid you in that endeavor, your thread has been merged into the thread for this mod.
  12. Okay, let's start over. This thread went rather spectacularly off the rails and turned into a pro/anti-Mechjeb argument in which some rather harsh things were said about new forum member @AdmFranzvonHippie. That has all been removed. Now please, let's try again to help our new forum member, keeping in mind that whether or not using MechJeb makes one a bad person is not the subject of this thread. He/she wants to use Mechjeb, and that's no one else's business. If you have help to offer regarding the use of Mechjeb, please post it here. If you do not, no one cares what you think of MechJeb itself, and you should just move on to the next thread. Also, thread moved to Gameplay Questions.
  13. Addendum: a post or two has been removed from this thread for advocating one side or other. That's the kind of thing which causes trouble on our forum.
  14. Some posts have been removed. While political developments may affect us all, discussions of them never end well on this forum and we've had to rule the subject off-limits. Also, don't go threatening to perpetrate crimes here, no matter how angry you are and not even if you mean it as a joke to express anger.
  15. In the old days the arguments got so bad that we had to warn many people and ban several more, so nowadays our rule is that no form of roleplaying may take place on any aspect of this forum.
  16. People, we can't have encrypted messages on our forum. Squad may be responsible for their content, so we need to be able to read what is in the posts submitted here.
  17. It is if people try to claim that they own pieces of land in the KSP world, because that's the sort of thing which caused the roleplaying arguments.
  18. Some of us log in "anonymously." This alters some displayed information, such as the most recent date. It does not always reflect presence on the forum. Spambots make accounts 0-10 times per day. We catch almost all of them when they go through the newbie process which requires manual moderator approval for an account's first 5 posts. Occasionally one sneaks by disguised as a person, or as in the case of the one I mentioned deleting today, we suspected that it was a bot right away but gave it the benefit of the doubt until we could confirm it. Often we send an invitation to people who seem like candidates, but sometimes we also ask for applications. It's mostly handled through PMs.
  19. Discussions of cryptography itself are fine, but remember that posts must be in English or at least include an English translation. See forum rules 2.3.a & 2.3.b. (Forum members are welcome to post in their native languages in the International Subforums.)
  20. Please try to have a subject in mind when you start a thread.
  21. @adrienne223, your post has been merged into the master thread for this sort of thing.
  22. I made a small rocket to see how far it would go. Then I kept enlarging it and tinkering with the design to make it go farther. After a while, it achieved orbit.
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