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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Most issues do not require the use of the report function. If time is not a factor, you could ping or PM one of us.
  2. Ask it somewhere else, please. It's not the subject of this thread.
  3. @thezombiecat, your question has been merged into the master thread for this kind of thing.
  4. Note that these are random. Trees and stuff will not always appear even with this option turned on.
  5. Welcome to our forum, SubwayManager.
  6. That post is very old, I don't think we remember the method used then, and it probably wouldn't work now anyway. But, welcome to the forum.
  7. Hello and welcome to the forum. You will find many fellow spaceplane enthusiasts here. (Not me. I suck at them.)
  8. They should have been added to each other rather than one replacing the other. I'll see if I can recover it.
  9. This thread has been moved to The Lounge, since it's only peripherally about KSP.
  10. That's kind of you, but the polite way to handle this sort of thing is internally and with confidentiality.
  11. We have observed no problems at this end. Shrug.
  12. Could we get back to the substance of the news article, please?
  13. Vanamonde


    No, he's a real jerk.
  14. Are you accidentally warping at the time? How about a screenshot of your attempts?
  15. Vanamonde


    The guy who proofread that should be fired.
  16. I crashed for days while attempting to land on Mun for the first time. Until I realized that while it may seem slow after transiting at 2400+ m/s, 30m/s is actually pretty fast to be slamming into the ground.
  17. Your question has been moved to the support section, @Arkythekiller. Can you provide some information such as whether you have other mods and how this one isn't working?
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