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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. They are text files in your KSPfolder/saves/nameofsave/ships/VAB or /SPH. Share them through a file sharing site or whatever.
  2. Hi Jorge29yearsold, and welcome to the forum.
  3. I don't know what this old thread started out to be, but whatever it was is no longer relevant.
  4. We generally put this kind of problem in Gameplay Questions. Good luck with it; I myself am too impatient to do the math.
  5. Logs are often useful. There's no need to get mad at each other about them. Please let your tempers cool.
  6. Hit alt-F12 to open the debug menu, look down the list for "Kerbals," and then click "create" to make one with the name and stats of your choosing. New skins would require modding, though. Maybe look around the modding subforum?
  7. Several posts have been removed from this thread or edited. Please keep the language clean.
  8. A post or two have been removed from this thread. This one's meant to be a light place to gripe about annoyances, so please don't get into subjects such as war atrocities and what is and isn't propaganda.
  9. I made that guide in sandbox mode where you are not limited in part choices and have full flight information displays. It might be easier for you to figure this out there. I'm not sure what you're describing about the scrolling. In this game, the camera is always centered on something, whether that's a ship or a world. You can zoom in and out and rotate around it, but not scroll to the sides. And if your rocket is not going far enough, try making it lighter rather than adding fuel. Too much fuel actually holds the ship back. Maybe share a picture of your ship?
  10. How could there be a penalty? If you revert the flight, it never happened.
  11. Your thread has been merged into the existing thread for this subject, @Vinhero100.
  12. I don't do those contracts. They're kind of a pain in the butt.
  13. There is a technical term, "periapsis," which is the lowest point in an orbit. Because I didn't know if you were familiar with that term, I called it a dip. If it is under 70kms at Kerbin, you will be passing into the atmosphere and increasingly slowed the lower you go, which is bad if you're trying to stay in orbit but saves fuel if you are trying to land. Here's a guide I made which might be useful.
  14. You are in orbit of Kerbin when your path goes entirely around the planet without dipping below 70kms in altitude. That's because the atmosphere goes up to 70kms, so if you pass into it you will be slowed and eventually fall out of orbit. Getting up to orbit requires reaching roughly 2200m/s in speed, which can be hard to do. But once there it's really easy to get back out of orbit again. Point your ship opposite the current direction of your motion and burn the engine a little bit until your path line passes below 70kms again at some point. Because that's where the air is (see above), and it will slow your ship to an eventual landing. The lower you set the dip in your path, the hotter your fall will be, so don't go too low. The planet is rotating east at 174m/s, so your speed relative to the ground is your orbital speed +174m/s east. So an orbital speed (heading east) of 2200m/s would measure 2026m/s in ground speed.
  15. I left a lot of details out because I didn't know if you already knew them, or perhaps wanted to find them out for yourself. #3 (to use your numbering) is two parts: an engine and a tank to provide fuel for it. As for the buttons near #2, I have right-clicked on the solid fuel rocket part to show that I took most of the fuel out (also by right-clicking, but in the assembly building before launch), so you're seeing the detail menu that comes up when r-clicking on something. The rocket I showed takes off and flies up to the test altitude, but would be too heavy to try to land intact, so that #3 stage is intended to be ejected. After that you can ignite the Hammer for the purpose of performing the test (there's another way to test but I don't want to confuse you so I'm just doing it this way). However, you're already up high, and if you burned the whole fuel load of a full Hammer, you would go up so much farther that over-heating could be a danger on the way back down. (The higher you go, the hotter and faster you fall.) So I took most of the fuel out of it because 1) it's not needed and 2) it can actually add danger to the flight.
  16. Well, the occasion was that he's not Squad staff anymore...
  17. Looks like this is going to be the work of a fan, and so the thread has been moved to fan works. Good luck with your project.
  18. Thread moved to add-on discussions (good luck with it), and huge post hidden inside spoiler tags for the sake of brower's page loading. Welcome to the forum, TimKerbin.
  19. I don't know what parts you have access to, but I made this as an example and flew your mission with it. Since you only need to test that upper stage, I took most of the fuel out before the flight to make it lighter. With careful use of the throttle, that ship can then be coaxed up to the right altitude and speed to ignite the solid rocket stage for the contract. My example ship has a heat shield just in case, but it wasn't needed for this flight. And welcome to the forum.
  20. Not sure what it's going to be, yet.
  21. Yes indeed. Taking on jobs for others, hiring/firing people and that sort of thing caused no end of trouble on the forum and led to a ban on roleplaying. If you want to work together, that's fine. But no promotions or contracts or any of that sort of thing.
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