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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. If you meet an asteroid out between Kerbin and Duna, you can make big changes in its trajectory with relatively small burns. You can also save a lot by having it aerobrake on arrival. Oh, and the tutorials section is for supplying guidance rather than asking for it, and so the thread has been moved to Gameplay Questions.
  2. Time to set this one aside. There are current threads with similar challenges, though.
  3. A multitude of SpaceX-related threads have been merged.
  4. Yes, we have several SpaceX threads. Take the discussion to the newer one, please.
  5. @Jonfliesgoats, your question has been merged into the master thread for this matter.
  6. Okay, if you look at the navball, what the vehicle thinks of as forward is actually pointing straight down. This can cause all kinds of weirdness because you are giving directional instructions which are 90 degrees off to the vehicle. Can you add a part which is oriented in the same direction as the delivery airplane? Then after you release the rover, you can click on that part and "control from here" to have the vehicle use the same orientation you're seeing when it's on the ground. The navball then should be upper half blue, lower half brown, with dead ahead being your compass heading.
  7. Hmm. Nothing is jumping out at me. How is the control part oriented? Pic with the navball in view?
  8. What do these rovers look like? Pictures? Also, looks like it's going to be a gameplay question, and so, moved.
  9. Your English is fine, but I don't think what you're asking for is possible. Different resolutions for different parts of the screen?
  10. Looks like this was meant to be a challenge? And so, moved to Challenges.
  11. If the destination does not have an atmosphere, you will have to make a braking burn to "insert" yourself into orbit. If it does have an atmosphere, you can "aerobrake" to shed some or all of the speed required to end up in orbit. The degree of braking, though is dependent on the thickness of the atmosphere and how low you pass through it. What is a good periapsis for aerobraking? That can be tricky. There's a mod which helps, I think, but I usually trial-and-error until I get it right. (I don't know what the values are currently since we have some new heat shield parts and drag has been adjusted recently.) At any rate, aerobraking may reduce your apoapsis to within the target's SOI, but the periapsis will remain within the atmosphere, causing more braking every pass, unless you do another burn to raise it and make your orbit stable.
  12. Nose-first concentrates heat on just a few parts and will incinerate your craft. Come in with the belly of the plane facing prograde to maximize braking drag and distribute heat. Radiators don't help much because they draw most strongly from the parts they are connected to, but would be destroyed if you put them on the parts getting hot during a re-entry. As for a periapsis to aim for, I don't think it matters that much as long as you don't to come down too radically fast. I generally put mine between 32kms and 50kms.
  13. There are a few things going on there, Victor3. Duna's orbit is not actually circular, so the precise transit will vary slightly depending on exactly when you are launching. The calculator doesn't take that into account. It's also really hard to place your outgoing maneuver marker on exactly the right spot, and to tug the little adjuster arms precisely. But if nothing you do is creating an intersect, then as others have said, you are probably missing the precise window by a few days in time. The good news is, none of these things will actually prevent you from getting to Duna. I plan on having to do a mid-course correction when I'm travelling between planets, if not to get an intercept, then at least to place my arrival exactly where I want it to be for aerobraking, or whatever I'm planning to do when I get there. There's no shame in it. Real spaceships do it, too.
  14. Nifty forum avatar. I had not heard of this movie before I looked up the picture. 

    1. Andiron


      Made with the one and only Hermann Oberth !  I'm really into SF, so I watched this movie a few years ago. Frau im Mond and Metropolis from Fritz Lang are both really good movies of the beginning of science-fiction.

    2. WinkAllKerb''


      obssessed with avatar ^^

  15. I'm going to guess... um... @HoloYolo?
  16. Looks like this is going to end up being a mission report, and so the thread has been moved to Mission Reports. Carry on.
  17. The previous thread was not closed summarily, but because it had required moderator attention a couple of times and yet was still argumentative and largely off-topic, and rather than being inexplicable, the explanation was in Red Iron Crown's closing message. We close threads to avoid having to hand out warns, and in the hope of stopping arguments before forum friends become forum enemies, which is why the discussion needs to remain closed, and why this thread has been closed as well.
  18. Thread moved to Fan Works, where the artsy types hang around.
  19. Some posts in this thread have been edited. Mind our forum rules, please.
  20. How about a generic term instead of a lot of specific terms? "My probe is approaching perithingamajig!"
  21. weregamer, it was true when I posted it. In the latest update to the game, however, Kerbals can pass out from excessive Gs. I don't know if they can die from it now, though.
  22. We can disagree without each other without being demeaning about it, so please don't resort to insulting terms no matter how wrong you believe the other person to be.
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