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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. What do you mean by sliding to the side? Do they always go the same direction? If so, it could be unintended trim or joystick input. Please post a picture of your rocket and some more details.
  2. Keep it on-topic, please. Personal remarks about each other are not generally helpful, and tend to make the other party angry.
  3. Everybody is mad at everybody about everything lately. Let's ALL please calm down and back off a bit. As I understand it, the console updates cannot go out at the same time as the PC versions. After Squad works on the code, they have to turn it over to be adapted for consoles, and that process can take a while. But console users are not being singled out with regard to differing release times. For complex reasons, I understand that PC people who purchased through Amazon and GOG.com also have to wait a while after the new versions are available on the KSP store and Steam. Each platform has its advantages and disadvantages, and I'm afraid that getting updates later is simply one of the disadvantages of playing KSP on consoles.
  4. Some overlapping threads have been merged.
  5. This (cute) work of a fan has been moved to Fan Works.
  6. Please mind the tone of the discussion in this thread. Porn is not a suitable subject for this forum, and disparaging an entire nationality, even if you are a member of it, is still a pretty harsh thing to do when some of your fellow forum members may come from that country.
  7. For a thread with "thank you" in the title, there is an awful lot of uninformed speculation, doom-and-gloom, and acrimonious argument going on here. Please save that for other threads, or better yet, drop it entirely and just use this thread to express appreciation for the people who did good work for our enjoyment. Thank you, gentlemen.
  8. This thread has wandered far from its topic, multiple times, and taken several side trips through personal animosity, formal psychology, and I don't even remember what else. Please stick to the subject, do not attack each other, and if you don't like the thread, simply skip to the next one rather than post solely to mock this one.
  9. No space program I've ever run in KSP could function without the small hardpoint.
  10. A newbie's first 3 posts need moderator approval as a spambot screening measure. Your post was approved, though it doesn't always happen right away.
  11. The game has changed profoundly since this thread was created. Why not start a new challenge comparing current ships? Closing now.
  12. Nice little plane. Most newbies try to over-do it and build too big. Meanwhile, since a recent Imgur update, albums do not work properly on our forum. Sorry.
  13. Please put very large sets of screenshots within spoiler tags for the sake of page loading times.
  14. I know you said you're pretty sure, but is the circling animation of the target orbit going the same direction as your ship? Matching the orbit but going the wrong way is almost always the cause of this.
  15. Vanamonde


    Here's your $5.
  16. The hurricane has one or two threads of its own. Please take that discussion there.
  17. Ethanadams, for one thing, globals are more senior moderators, and so policy questions or tie-breaker calls within the team are passed up to them. Rank within the team is rather informal, but somebody needs to be in charge. Also, most of the globals have access to admin powers on the forum. Dman979, actually, our moderator role charts are very out of date. We know about it, but to be honest, we mostly haven't updated because it would include the sad duty of removing the names of some people who have moved on, such as KasperVld and a few of the guys who are preoccupied with school or day jobs right now. Perhaps after the new CM gets settled in.
  18. Regretfully, 64Bit, that post has forced me to lock this thread.
  19. @corbett Pastebin.com, Dropbox.com, and other websites will allow you to upload large files, no account needed and at no charge. The sites then provide a link to your file that you can include in your post here.
  20. Some posts have been removed from this thread. Again, guys, either answer the OP's question or skip to the next thread.
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