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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. International law is beyond the scope of this game and forum. Please take that kind of discussion to other websites.
  2. Several more threads have been merged into this master.
  3. A couple of replies have been trimmed from this thread. Politics have nothing to do with the topic here, and are off-limits for our forum anyway. Please keep that in mind.
  4. 1.2 is the current version. Is that what you meant? Which platform are you using to play the game?
  5. Please don't make the argument personal, folks.
  6. Several threads have been merged. We're going to be doing that keep-the-discussion-in-on-place thing for a while again, guys.
  7. The console updates still need to go through Flying Tiger, folks. There is no projected time for that as yet.
  8. The game is out, so time to stop hyping and play. A last few pre-release threads have been merged here to keep things tidy.
  9. This question about how to play the game has been moved to Gameplay Questions.
  10. I safely set down a 1-man lander on Tylo with 6.4l of fuel remaining in the tanks.
  11. ThatGuyWithALongUsername, I have hidden the thread. Submit a new one with the poll in the first post, since I don't recall if they can be edited in after the post has been submitted. I will email you the content so you don't have to recreate it.
  12. @UomoCapra, would you like to give an official statement about this issue?
  13. If you think the OP is asking for too much, how about just skipping to the next thread rather than chewing him out over it? No one will force you to contribute to his project.
  14. Overlapping threads have been merged.
  15. "Hi, Coca Cola company? I drank a can of your stuff this morning, so please tell me how many people left your business this week, did they quit or were they fired, and if fired, why were they fired?"
  16. chimpbone, no matter how many times you ask this question in different threads, the answer is still the same.
  17. This question about how to play the game has been moved to Gameplay Questions.
  18. This question about how to play the game has been moved to Gameplay Questions.
  19. Please remember this is a G-rated forum, people.
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