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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. You need a moderator to move a thread for you, Kotagi. And if this is a cockpit mockup kind of a thing, then Fan Works is the right place for it, so off it goes.
  2. There's a new setting in the antenna's r-click screens, called "require complete." If you click it, antennas will work the old way, transmitting in bursts as power allows.
  3. @Kotagi, it really is not clear what this is, but be aware that basing your simulator on KSP, depending on how you're doing it, could violate copyright laws.
  4. This thread has been moved to Suggestions, since it's not specific to the 1.2 testing.
  5. Welcome to the forum, ryan andrade. There is a subforum dedicated to player-made videos and mission reports, and your thread now occupies it. And congratulations on your mission.
  6. As I read this thread I can't tell if you guys are joking around, or actually angry with each other about the shape of the fictional engines in a space game. If the latter, please take a deep breath and reconsider whether this is worth the trouble.
  7. Perhaps I should rephrase my idea. I'm not suggesting fewer choices, and I'm not suggesting many new ones. What I am saying is that currently gameplay settings are split between game mode, difficulty settings, pre-game options, etc. What I'm suggesting is taking that scattered system with the modes representing blocks of some of the choices linked as a batch, and replacing it with a single options screen which includes those choices and all the others that already exist, all in one place.
  8. This exchange of spacecraft has been moved to the Spacecraft Exchange.
  9. I suspect your only problem is insufficient practice, though do I understand correctly that your lander has 4 engines? If so, yes, that is probably too big for the job, making piloting harder.
  10. This looks like a question for @ManeTI.
  11. Some posts have been trimmed from this thread. Please keep the discussions on-topic.
  12. Incidentally, the new devnotes lists a couple of new hires.
  13. We've got sandbox, science, and career, but also (soon) toggleable antenna restrictions, adjustable heat severity, etc. Instead of having those options split between types of choices, why not just have one game mode with each of those things as player choices? Gather science on/off, pay for parts on/off, tech unlock parts on/off, heat high/medium/low, and so on. Just spitballing.
  14. Your thread has been merged into the master thread for this sort of question, @FlyingPete.
  15. Your avatar is cute. 

    1. ManEatingApe


      Ha, thanks!

      I don't think our avatars should be left alone together, I'd be worried that yours would get eaten!

    2. Vanamonde
    3. WinkAllKerb''
  16. When this thread started, we didn't have a craft sharing sub. But we do now. So, moved.
  17. Hmm. Been a while. Let's see. @Frybert?
  18. @Starslinger999, your thread has been merged into the master thread for this subject. In short, a recent Imgur upgrade messed up album linking.
  19. "They brought it up" in passing is not the same thing as "proposing" or "planning."
  20. Once or twice a year there's a little brouhaha on the forum about how horrible it would be for Squad to put out DLCs. The odd thing is, Squad has NEVER proposed making DLCs, and when asked, have said over and over again that they have no plans to do so. But once or twice a year, the forum membership gets together anyway, to repeat to each other how horrible it would be if they did.
  21. I'm having trouble visualizing what you're talking about. Could you provide an example?
  22. Got to watch Neil take his giant step, live, when I was 6 years old.
  23. It sure would suck, but since it has almost nothing to do with KSP, the thread has been moved to the Lounge.
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