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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Yes, it is. Most of them have free entry memberships and then try to talk you into paying for more features, but you're not obligated to upgrade.
  2. One heat shield should be enough for most purposes. One may get overwhelmed if you enter too steeply and saturate its ability to withstand heat, or if you come in too shallowly and expose it to heat long enough to wear away all the ablative. What does the ship look like, and what kind of re-entry are you trying? SSTOs are harder now. I'm not very good with them myself, so I will leave it to someone else to advise on how to make the transition from airborne to rocket flight. To re-enter with SSTOs, turn them so they are coming in with the nose around 90 degrees to the direction of flight. This distributes the heat and maximizes drag deceleration. If you come in nose-first, it WILL be incinerated. Welcome back, and good luck re-learning.
  3. This is why we can't have nice things.
  4. Are we fighting? It sounds like we're fighting. Let's not do that.
  5. And one of the rules is, stay on-topic in threads. Don't break that one, please.
  6. This suggestion for the game's development has been moved to Suggestions & Development Discussion.
  7. You are progressing faster than I did with Mun landings.
  8. More posts removed. And with those 3 strikes, this thread is out.
  9. Quite a few posts have been removed from this thread. Some people would like mods to be available for consoles, and some people prefer Squad's time and effort was devoted to other things. Please leave it at that, do not attack each other over these preferences, and please do not attempt to speak on behalf of Squad as to why they may or may not be inclined to make mods available on consoles.
  10. This will need to take place somewhere other than our forum. Fictional companies and the arguments and headaches they caused are the very reason roleplaying had to be banned here (2.2.j). No contracts, no employees, no fictional businesses. Sorry, guys.
  11. A reminder of forum rule 1.4.b: "Users must attempt to use proper grammar and spelling in all messages. Txt-speak, 1337-speak and other exclusionary forms of speech are prohibited... "
  12. Hello JadeOfMaar, and welcome to the forum.
  13. Question about modding the game moved to the modding subforum.
  14. In addition to what others have said, the One Ring causes people to desire to take it for themselves, so they end up fighting each other over it. (You see that happen to Smeagol and Deagol.) So for Elrond to try to force Isuldur to give up the ring would have put Elrond partially under the ring's power, and made an enemy out of ally Isuldur. The One Ring slowed Gollum's aging, but didn't stop it. The Eagles: There are a set of demi-gods which look out for the physical world, and the eagles work for them. These demi-gods tried to rule the world directly in the past, but it didn't work well, so they swore to keep their hands off and let mortals work out their own problems. So they would NEVER have sent the eagles to solve the world's problems. However, after Frodo and Sam had done the work of destroying the ring, the world was already saved, and the demi-gods sent the eagles because letting the hobbits die at that point would have served no purpose. The eagle rescue was sort of a reward rather than a solution to a problem. And okay, it's a bit of a cheat that they help Gandalf, but not entirely. Gandalf is of the same order of creatures as the demi-gods, and he is kind-of a troubleshooter sent by the big-G God who is above that group. That God is the god who brings Gandalf back to life and sends him back to finish his job after he sort-of dies in the fight with the balrog. So if He wanted the eagle to help Gandalf, He would have gotten his way even if the demi-gods try to keep out of things.
  15. "Van uh mond" is how I do it, but I have no idea if that's "correct." And yes, it's from that book.
  16. Mkay. And now... Heeeeere's @Frybert!
  17. Since Imgur seems to be in a state of flux these days and it's not clear whether album linking is even possible at this time, this thread will be closed until the matter sorts itself out.
  18. So is the argument over? We'd rather not have to start editing the thread and issuing warns. Please don't treat each other like enemies over opinions regarding a game's development.
  19. Overlapping threads have been merged.
  20. While fan works will be made on this device, the device itself is not a fan work. And so, the thread has been moved to the Lounge. Carry on.
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