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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Some posts have been edited or removed from this thread. We were all newbies at one time, and not everybody grew up speaking English, so please either try to help or just skip to the next thread without criticizing each other's posts.
  2. New posts merged into the existing thread for this subject.
  3. Threads on the same subject have been merged.
  4. I'm old to the forums. I bought this game four years ago and its AWESOME. Extremely irritating when it crashes, but from what ive read... such is life. Good to see another new member.
  5. Your post seems to have been submitted to the wrong subforum, Licflagg2. I've moved it to the right one for you.
  6. Mod question moved to the mod subforum.
  7. Thread closed by OP's request.
  8. A number of posts have been edited or removed from this thread because they both went off-topic (the inception date of the internet?) and had turned personal. Please don't attack each other over differing opinions. Also, it's somewhat moot to debate whether multiplayer should or shouldn't be in the game, since Squad has announced that it will be. This has been a planned feature for quite some time.
  9. Welcome to the forum. I don't join many of them, either. You are of course welcome in the English sections of the forum (which is most of them), but you'll likely find most of your fellow Brazilians in the Portuguese sub as well.
  10. When I built aircraft carrier models as a kid, some of them came with these weird little planes on their decks.
  11. Robinson Crusoe on Mars. Somewhat cheesy, but so much fun.
  12. Several posts have been removed from this thread. They were unrelated to the subject of the thread, and had become an argument. If you people want to discuss those issues, make your own thread, and keep it polite.
  13. Threads merged. Please keep this project concentrated in its own thread.
  14. There's an "edit profile" button on the upper right of your profile picture.
  15. Okay, let's get back to the subject at hand, please. Which is questions about forum policy and software.
  16. 200. Disputing other people's fake forum rules instead of posting fake forum rules of one's own. (Back on-topic, please.)
  17. Go to your profile, click to edit it, and make up a new "member title."
  18. That is a nice-looking space station. Welcome to the forum.
  19. I had some trouble with Windows hiding or losing my earliest screenshots, and I never found them. This is my oldest surviving screenshot.
  20. This sounds like a job for... @KasperVld! And welcome to the forum, b0ss.
  21. Since these books are fictional spaceflight, the thread has been moved to the Lounge.
  22. Please don't attack each other over differing opinions about what we'd like to see in the game.
  23. Several posts have been removed from this thread or edited. Rather than hash out social policy and the nature of sexism, let's please just have a nice, friendly thread recognizing women in space science.
  24. This is a reminder to leave religion out of discussions on this forum, since that never ends well.
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