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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. If you are seeking modding advice, the best place to ask is the modding subforum. And so, thread moved.
  2. Is it shutting down due to lack of power? Overheating? Watch for messages that comes up as you are loading the ship.
  3. Even if the wheels are mounted vertically, a heavy plane can flex a little, causing the wheels to angle inward slightly. Is that happening?
  4. Your question has been merged into the master thread for this sort of thing, @FlushStroke.
  5. This report of a mission has been moved to Mission Reports. And congratulations to Henemy.
  6. Thread moved to The Lounge, since it's not about KSP itself. Although this is not an issue for Squad itself, we would advise folks to change their account passwords when something like this happens, just to be on the safe side.
  7. Still more successful than my attempts to make a shuttle. Anyway, thread moved to Spacecraft Exchange.
  8. You're asking about something modders have experience with, and so your question has been moved to the modding section. Good luck with it.
  9. This thread seems to have turned into a game, and so it has been moved to Games. Because it is a game.
  10. As this thread is no longer in the same time zone as its subject, it will be closed.
  11. This is why I developed a violent hatred for (series) Enterprise. They went to the trouble of choosing a whole new time setting because they claimed they wanted a reset to fresh material, and what did they do? Met the exact same ST aliens that have appeared on every other ST series, told pretty much the same stories, and just rehashed the already over-worked existing material. Such a waste of potential.
  12. KSP has been getting incremental updates for 4 years. There's no reason to assume that's going to stop now. Devs are working on some. Players are working on some. It's not one or the other, but both.
  13. Just Jim, it's not a beta anymore. It's the new version of Imgur.
  14. MechJeb is cheating, KER is cheating, not using them is cheating, etc. Now that that's settled, can we please just discuss OP's request for flight telemetry?
  15. Hi RonnieThePotato, and welcome to our forum. Badges are merely images which people include in their forum signatures. Make your badge in any software, then upload it to an image hosting site so that people can copy it into their sigs and posts.
  16. Hello Josh IN SPACE. Welcome to the forum. Right now, a recent Imgur update seems to have broken albums. We are hoping to get that fixed soon. In the meantime, individual image hosting from Imgur is still working, so I'd suggest you try that. I hope to see your pictures soon.
  17. The primary obstacle to this would be operating expenses. Vertical flight/hovering is very expensive in terms of fuel. The only reason some vehicles do it anyway is that it's extremely useful for a set of very limited applications. It's not something you would want to be doing on a regular basis for travel because fixed-wing craft are so much more efficient for air travel. And the vehicle you're proposing would be less efficient than a car in ground mode as well, because when not flying it would still be hauling around all the machinery required for flight. This is why vehicles of this sort have been proposed literally for decades, but no one has yet been able to make one that's economically feasible. They can make vehicles which operate in this manner, mind you, but not in a way that's cost-effective enough to be worth manufacturing and selling in numbers.
  18. Thread rating stars? It's a function this forum software has, though I've never seen much point to it, myself. The number of them displayed is the average of the ratings people have clicked to give the thread. Here, have +5.
  19. That is a broad question, Jeb-head-mug kerman, but the place to ask would be in the modding subforum.
  20. Wildfire smoke so thick it looks like moderate cloud cover, except for the brownish tinge. Yes, it must be summertime in California.
  21. @sal_vager, for being the most active moderator, the guy to whom we refer most of the tough questions, and the person who talked me into being a moderator, which has turned out to be a lot of fun and has made me a bunch of good friends in the form of the other moderators.
  22. This thread is pretty old and no longer current. It will be closed now.
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