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Lead Moderator
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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Threads of the month get pinned for their months.
  2. We've been trying to correct a problem with the message system lately, and altering some settings. We'll look into this.
  3. There are outbreaks of contentiousness on the forum from time to time, and then they die down again. It's a routine thing, to the point that there is usually one after each new game version comes out. But the current state of the forum is actually rather mild; we are receiving few reports from members and giving out even fewer warns. So rather than reorganizing the forum, how about simply skipping the argumentative threads? You can also set certain forum members to an "ignore" status, after which you no longer see their posts.
  4. 57. Submitting posts about the forum to General instead of Kerbal Network. (Moved.)
  5. Have you considered not giving newbies a hard time?
  6. Juno threads have been merged so that the discussion doesn't become scattered and repetitive.
  7. Mission reporting advice request moved to the mission reporting subforum.
  8. Whatever the relative degrees of national responsibility might be, trying to argue that point on this forum invariably results in nasty arguments. So please leave politics and nationalities out of the discussion.
  9. Your thread has been moved to modded support, or perhaps you should ask in the mod's own thread.
  10. Unfortunately, the OP of this very useful thread is preoccupied with real life business. Since the info in it is therefore increasingly out-of-date, the thread will be closed to avoid misinforming anyone.
  11. OP merely posed a discussion question. No need to get angry about it. And it involves science, right enough, so this is a good spot for it.
  12. Go with your instinct on that one, please.
  13. Those can't be legally distributed. Only the pre-public early builds are available.
  14. Some posts have been removed from this thread for being argumentative, vaguely insulting, and pushing the edge of the ban on profanity. Please keep the discussions civil, folks. Also, the thread has been moved to Kerbal Network, since it's not about the game itself.
  15. Redundant threads have been merged. Then locked.
  16. As long as you're not paying people, asking them to pay you, and posting in the non-KSP part of the forum (which you are), should be alright.
  17. "Exchange" in the sense of sharing ship ideas. Craft files are encouraged, but not required.
  18. This exchange of spacecraft has been moved to the Spacecraft Exchange.
  19. OP hasn't visited the forum for over 2 years, so an update seems unlikely. He/she can PM the mod team to open the thread, but for now, it will be closed.
  20. Don't confuse the newbies, Optimist. Jool is glitchy and things can sometimes be more manageable, but most of the time it won't work.
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