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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. People have the right to be negative, as long as it doesn't actually break forum rules. No one is obligated to read those threads and posts, though.
  2. Can we make a sticky telling people to skip them if they don't like them? (The answer to both questions is, "no.")
  3. Moved to Kerbal Network, The Lounge since it's not about KSP. And sorry, but religion itself is a disallowed topic on this forum (2.2.b). The problem is, it always ends up turning into arguments, so steer clear of that, please.
  4. Please don't make the discussion personal.
  5. How about contacting Steam tech support? Also, this thread has been moved to the support subforum.
  6. @phreakshow, your question has been merged into the master thread for this subject.
  7. From now on, guys, minors talking about your age in this thread will be deleted. It's not safe for you, there may be laws about it in your country of origin, and it's not the subject of this thread.
  8. At first they tried to make Q a serious threat, which failed miserably. But then they turned him into a comic foil, in which role he was delightful.
  9. Please stick to the topic of the thread. By giving the thread a topic to stick to.
  10. That link is taking me to a login screen rather than a craft file, @Brownhair2.
  11. A GOG purchase is entirely separate from Steam, and you download the game direct from GOG. Updates come as the whole game in a fresh, updated download, just like the store.
  12. This exchange of spacecraft (for such it will turn out to be) has been moved to Spacecraft Exchange.
  13. This discussion of the game's development has been moved to development discussions.
  14. Let's keep the rover discussion all in one thread, please.
  15. Since it's about modding, this question has been moved to the modding subforum.
  16. How about posting the craft file for the ship, and maybe somebody will build a launch vehicle for it?
  17. SpaceplaneAddict, your question has been merged into the master thread for this subject.
  18. Hi Mlg Dank Meme lord. I fixed your image for you. The Imgur link you want to copy to our forum is the BBCode one, which is second-to-last on the list.
  19. @SpaceXray, your thread has been merged into the existing thread for this movie.
  20. Sometimes you confuse us, WinkAllKerb'', but no, we think you're a nice guy.
  21. I assembled a station and Duna mission by docking multiple launches in recent weeks, and had no trouble until my part count got over 200. After that, lag slowly became worse as I added parts, but still much better than previous versions.
  22. It was nice of you to offer help, Interplanet Janet, but I believe Bagel came to his/her own conclusions on the matter around 2 years ago.
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