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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Well, this thousand-topicked mess is pretty thoroughly off the rails. Say! Why doesn't someone start a thread about silly perpetual motion machine ideas they used to have! That sounds like a fun thing to talk about!
  2. Welcome to the game and to the forum, @Rmack.
  3. Looks like OP has made his point, and now folks are just using the thread as a reason to throw insults at each other. Time to move on to other discussions, folks.
  4. If you already know what the OP is sharing, that's swell. Now skip to the next thread without mocking his/her kindly attempt to share game knowledge.
  5. This thread has been inactive for a year, and is no longer relevant. Time to let it slip gently into that good night.
  6. Please don't drag the pro/con Dres fight into this thread. Let Kuzzter tell his story.
  7. This is a fairly old thread, and we're not on the same game version anymore. The thread will be closed now to avoid confusing folks with old information. @TheKosanianMethod, I suggest you make your own thread in the craft-sharing subforum. Oh, and, congrats on your successful plane.
  8. When I'm disagreeing with someone, I generally do not attribute the quote. It seems less confrontational that way, and I'm emphasizing that I'm disagreeing with the thought rather than the person. Declaring something to be "wrong" and calling for action against it when you have no real information on the matter IS taking sides, You're taking the side of the accusers. So you're immune to internet attacks. Squad isn't. All the more reason not to launch one without good reason. Repeating for emphasis: However, you are calling for people to affect Squad in this very fashion. Have you bothered to think through the ramifications of the action you're calling for? Let's say you manage to damage Squad's earnings and they have to lay off some of the people you claim to be championing. Where will your good intentions be then? This assumes that Squad has in fact done something wrong. Again and again, you are assuming that you know what really has happened, and proceeding as if this is established fact, and calling for action against it. This is reckless. This is an absurd statement. You yourself are calling for action to damage Squad's reputation and business. If they haven't been "naughty," that is an unearned punishment which cannot be magically undone. In short, your actions have consequences, and it's irresponsible for you to agitate in favor of punishing some people for something you don't actually know whether they did in the first place.
  9. ... but do it in the craft exchange section. Moved.
  10. How is it quite right to take a side in a dispute after having only heard part of one side? How about we 'apply pressure' for a recitation of your company's HR policies, so that a bunch of strangers on a game forum can make rulings about its justness and legality? That sound fair? I am trying to prevent uninformed people from running off half-cocked and damaging the reputation and business of a company which may not have done anything wrong in the first place.
  11. This work of a fan has been moved to Fan Works. Because it's not really about KSP, but I don't know what it really is about.
  12. This suggestion for the game's development has been moved to Suggestions & Development.
  13. A pair of threads on the same story have been merged.
  14. We do? We've heard some claims from one side, which the other side can't easily answer without risking trouble with law and confidentiality. That is hardly a definitive version of events. Which forum have you been reading?
  15. For the answer to this and many other burning questions, follow the Daily Kerbal, especially the Devnotes posts.
  16. This question about how to play the game has been moved to Gameplay Questions.
  17. Go to the first post in the thread, click to edit the post, then click on the poll link. Do you see a "remove poll" button on the lower left?
  18. It took me minutes to figure out how to reach orbit. But t took me 4 days of constant trials and experimentation to figure out how to land on Mun. But the first time I tried to rendezvous, I succeeded. But I spent about 3 months working out how to make fully reusable interplanetary ships. But making an SSTO that can carry cargo and reliably make orbit? Four years. FOUR YEARS.
  19. Take pictures of it and post them. Moving things in freefall and assembling stuff in space is possibly my favorite thing to do in this game.
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