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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Looks like this is going to end up being a Mission Report? And so, moved.
  2. You don't have to agree with the OP, guys, but if you could refrain from belittling his/her ideas, that would be swell.
  3. Looks like this is mod development rather than stock game development? And so, moved to Add-on Development.
  4. Thread moved to the section for exchanging craft.
  5. A couple of posts have been trimmed from this thread. Please keep it on-topic, people.
  6. Could you clarify your intention for his thread, please?
  7. There may not be a way to do this. @KasperVld?
  8. Angry ranting threads like this are not helpful. Every release is going to have some problems, and for each person complaining that it was released too soon, there's another person complaining that it was delayed too long. Please give specific feedback which can help fix the bugs, but insulting the devs and each other doesn't help anyone.
  9. Problems within the moderation staff are handled internally, usually just by talking about it. But it almost never comes up. If we weren't pretty even-tempered people, we wouldn't have been chosen for the job. Oh, and I can't recall a situation where it involved breaking a forum rule.
  10. Since there is no way to do this in stock, the question has been moved to the modding subforum.
  11. SSTO stands for single stage to orbit. By definition, an SSTO can't have more than one stage, or drop tanks, or discard any other parts before achieving orbit. The rules for this challenge need to be clarified.
  12. I've been playing this game for about 4 years and still can't consistently get SSTOs to orbit, but I have learned one bit of advice to pass along. Building a plane that can can do it is easier than figuring out the ascent profile for the plane to fly. I would suggest downloading a design someone else has made, so that you know that it works, and practice flying it to orbit. Once you get that technique figured out, making a plane of your own that can do it really isn't all that difficult.
  13. To display screenshots here, simply copy the hosting site's link into your post, like this:
  14. Please have something to say as well, though. On this forum, we try to avoid posts that are just joke or reaction images (2.3.c).
  15. We are all learning about new aspects of play in 1.1, but if every person starts a whole new thread for his/her individual opinion or question, we end up with pages and pages of overlapping, confusing, and repetitive discussions. This is why we are still asking folks to submit their 1.1 reactions to this master thread, and why we are still merging so many individual threads into this one when we find them posted elsewhere. Please help us keep things sane and organized by discussing 1.1 here rather than starting new threads about it.
  16. Please use this subforum for non-joke discussions.
  17. Yes, it looks like you've switched parts from which the vehicle is figuring its orientation. Did your kerbal disembark? Did you leave the flight and come back to it? Since this doesn't appear to be a bug, the thread has been moved to Gameplay questions.
  18. Not all mod-makers want donations, and not all players can afford to give them. Feel free to do so, if you are inclined. But please do not put pressure on other forum members to do it, and especially please do not use this forum to offer or solicit monetary transactions. There's enough advertising on the internet, and we'd like to keep the forum away from that sort of thing.
  19. Speaking of getting out of hand, please use this thread for asking about the forum and its rules. We don't want serious questions to get lost in the silliness.
  20. Once again, a number of 1.1 comments and questions have been folded into this master thread. We know it's exciting when a new version comes out, but please, let's not scatter overlapping discussions across the forum, and instead keep the discussion here for the time being.
  21. We have removed some posts from this thread. Please do not try to tell each other what to post or not to post.
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