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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Since your question is not about real spaceflight, the thread has been moved to Gameplay Questions.
  2. There is no way for a KSP part to partially fail.* Either the cabin survives with all occupants alive, or it's destroyed with all occupants killed. What exactly are the circumstances you are reporting? * Apart from broken solar panels and flat rover tires, anyway.
  3. Wait, what? Who said anything about deleting the subforum? Oh, I see. That was a rhetorical question, guys.
  4. This discussion of the game's development has been moved to Development Discussions.
  5. Its thread would be the place to check.
  6. This question about how to play the game has been moved to Gameplay Questions.
  7. Added your post to the thread we keep for this question, @hanson26.
  8. I was speaking specifically about the kinds of questions we allow to be asked here. The answers, of course, should be more rigorous.
  9. Sure they are. We are not in a rigorous science classroom. We are on a chatty game forum. And since we have gotten off-topic, let me close by saying that people are free to ask whatever science questions they want here, without being scolded and directed to a search engine (which is not itself a tool of rigorous inquiry, if we're talking in strict terms.)
  10. Since this is not something being done in-game, the thread has been moved to General (non-KSP) Discussion.
  11. I'd suggest you ask in the thread for whatever HGR stands for.
  12. What in the world could POSSIBLY require 100+ engines?
  13. Could you expand upon and clarify this challenge, please?
  14. Sounds like a glitch rather than game mechanics. And so, moved.
  15. Looks like a support issue rather than a gameplay question. And so, moved.
  16. The chemical energy in the atmospheres would be tiny in comparison to the kinetic energy of the collision. Besides, whether some process like plant life is sustaining oxygen in the atmosphere or not, the process isn't making the oxygen, but merely freeing up oxygen that's already there. So a planet of the same size without an oxygen atmosphere would still contain about the same amount of oxygen, and wouldn't behave markedly differently during a collision.
  17. @HoloYolo, usually it's because the thread contains information which is of serious importance to a great number of players (such as announcements), or if it's something really useful which will be overlooked if it drifts down a few pages on the lists of threads (such as bug reporting guides). Also, 'threads of the month' get pinned during their months.
  18. Question moved to Kerbal Network, since it's about the forum itself.
  19. Try PMing their creators.
  20. Please keep the discussion on-topic people. And while you are free to disagree with each other, please do not insult each other in the process. There's no need for an us-against-him attitude toward the OP.
  21. This question about how to play the game has been moved to Gameplay Questions.
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