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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. It's my day off. Make @B787_300 do it.
  2. I finally have one worth posting! This is the SP-61 Cargomaster. (Yeah, this is my 61st SSTO design attempt, and I ran out of good names a long time ago.) Been playing this game for 4 years and came close a couple of times, but this is my first one that can both carry a usefully large cargo, and do it reliably. It can do the orange tank thing (up to a 90km orbit). And can carry lighter payloads up to the 200km orbit of the station it is helping to assemble. And of course, return to Kerbin.
  3. I finally have one worth posting! This is the SP-61 Cargomaster. (Yeah, this is my 61st SSTO design attempt, and I ran out of good names a long time ago.) Been playing this game for 4 years and came close a couple of times, but this is my first one that can both carry a usefully large cargo, and do it reliably. It can do the orange tank thing (up to a 90km orbit). And can carry lighter payloads up to the 200km orbit of the station it is helping to assemble. And of course, return to Kerbin.
  4. This work of a fan has been moved to Fan Works.
  5. This question about how to play the game has been moved to Gameplay Questions.
  6. Grolivier, we have a forum subsection for sharing and requesting ships, and your thread has been moved to it.
  7. What do you mean by "lost"? Was it deleted from your account somehow?
  8. Two threads reporting problems with the forum have been merged, since they seem to have arisen from the same cause. The good news is, it's believed to be fixed now.
  9. If I could figure out if this thread is about Squad's design and development decisions, or economics in Mexico, or whether KSP is more or less buggy than Triple-A games, or one of the many other subjects that have come up in this thread, AND how all of that relates to the original topic of a former employee's disgruntlement, I'd be happy to change the name to something clearer. Stargate525, the assertion I was replying to was that KSP would have been done faster and with fewer bugs if it had been made by one of the major companies. Your experience with the products of those companies seems to have been extraordinarily more positive than mine, and I'll leave it at that.
  10. To confuse you still further, @Skybird0, your thread has been merged into the existing thread on this subject.
  11. This is the third moderator intervention in this thread today. From now on, off-topic posts and arguments will be removed AND infracted.
  12. A couple of recruiting threads have been merged into this one. Guys, please keep this project to its own thread.
  13. Yes, sharing of game versions is illegal. (Other than the early demo versions.)
  14. This exchange of spacecraft has been moved to Spacecraft Exchange.
  15. Pictures of the craft are often enough for others to give advice, and requires less work on the part of people willing to help.
  16. Stargate525, you left out what I was replying to. Note the emphasis. As for your points, though, Skyrim is largely based on Morrowind/Oblivion, so you'd have to include part of their development in Skyrim's completion time, and Bethesda is notorious for releasing buggy games anyway. They also have 75 employees with which to complete their games faster. Minecraft's physics are an order of magnitude simpler than KSP's, so I'm not sure that's even comparable. And it has bugs. Not sure why you're bringing Spore up since it's widely considered one of the worst failures to deliver on promise in the history of gaming. And it had bugs. Universe Sandbox has almost zero graphics, so again, isn't comparable. And it has a couple of bugs. (And an abysmal interface.) Haven't played the others you mention. Still has nothing to do with whether or not Squad is nice to its employees, though.
  17. Hello Mr. Watney. Your posts have been moved to their own thread, as is customary for new member greetings.
  18. I've seen this a couple of places today, but not with any story behind it. What was the purpose of the flight? Who sponsored it?
  19. Not speaking as a moderator, and I am not a Squad employee: There are two issues which are getting mixed here. 1) Some people are very angry about game development decisions Squad has made. 2) A former employee is saying he was treated badly. Even if you believe everything he says about #2, it really has nothing to do with #1. If the Squad-bashers are going to try to use this as evidence to support their complaints, that is just plain lousy logic and argumentation. (Others have said similar things earlier in this thread, but I think it bears repeating.)
  20. This discussion is all over the map. Realism mods, game (not ship) crashes, and a number of other things dragged into the discussion do not address OP's post. Please dial back the tempers, and stick to the subject.
  21. This is not going to happen. That's unfortunate, but roleplaying is the worst mess to ever hit this forum.
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