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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. There is indeed one of these already running, though you may feel free to run a second one, if you'd like. Also, your thread has been moved to the challenges/mission ideas subforum.
  2. And what exactly is it that is tall and fast? Welcome to the forum, by the way.
  3. Darth Jeb, this thread has been moved to General Discussion. The other one was closed because discussions get confused and duplicated if we have multiple threads on the same topic.
  4. We've trimmed a couple of posts from this thread. Please do not insult each other. Also, "complaining" tends to just make everybody cranky, while politely reporting problems has a much better chance of getting constructive results.
  5. Yes, and a pretty busy one it was, too. Hyperbole doesn't help anyone, people. No one is trying to "insult" you through a game version release. A number of 1.1-related threads have been merged into this master thread. When a new version comes out, there's a tendency for the forum to be flooded with overlapping threads, so for right now, we're trying to keep the discussion all in one place to reduce confusion and redundancy.
  6. This discussion of the game's development has been moved to Development Discussions.
  7. I'm still great! @MadRocketScientist
  8. These are some pretty recordings, AstraL, but since they are not KSP launches, your post has been moved to its own thread in the Spaceflight subforum. Feel free to change the temporary title I've given it.
  9. This thread is almost two years old, so a similar problem is unlikely to arise from the same cause.
  10. It was noticed. Not everything can be fixed in time for a release. Unfortunate, but it happens.
  11. That is unfortunate, but to get help with it, you will need to be more specific. Also, moved to the support subforum.
  12. Your thread has been moved to Kerbal Network, since it's about the forum rather than the game.
  13. Several threads about aspects of 1.1 have been merged into this master thread. Please keep the discussion all in one place for the moment.
  14. Don't you want to see what's in the 1.1 that was released minutes ago before starting in on 1.2? WAY too early for this, guys.
  15. This exchange of craft has been moved to the Spacecraft Exchange.
  16. In KSP, both light and sound travel at infinite speed, instantaneously covering any distance.
  17. It will cause drag, but the effects are over-emphasized by people who want their rockets to look realistic. (No offense, really not meaning to insult anybody or start an argument!) The other day I tested an old design in new aero, and despite its INTENSELY un-aerodynamic configuration, it flew to orbit just fine.
  18. Although KSP-related, your site is not a part of the game itself, and so your thread has been moved to the non-KSP subforum.
  19. We've already had several discussions, arguments, questions, and fights about this. It's unfortunate, but the testing pre-release could only be feasibly offered through Steam.
  20. Is this what you're asking about, Gauga159? Also, moved to Kerbal Network.
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