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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. "You do not have permission to see it" because all those threads have been merged. Thanks for finding those, Spaceception.
  2. Merged into the existing thread, but thanks for linking it, @ToukieToucan
  3. Seeing as the pre-release is less than a day old, one might allow some time for the mod-maker to respond. Assuming he/she wishes to do so, for which there is no obligation.
  4. Your thread has been moved to the subforum for seeking this sort of help. Good luck with it.
  5. Squad's parent company used to be named Monkey Squad.
  6. So far, no one in this thread seems to be attacking anyone else. Please keep it that way, and try not to perceive offense where it isn't intended.
  7. Keep it on-topic, please.
  8. @NFunky, it seems you accidentally posted in the wrong place. Your post has been moved to its own thread in Gameplay Questions, since that seemed to be the best place for it. Feel free to edit the temporary title I have given it.
  9. When this is available, there will be an announcement.
  10. Yes, Mediafire sometimes features inappropriate ads, and had to be blocked from our forum. Please use another file hosting service.
  11. It won't be helpful for long, though. Wheels are getting a major rework in the next version, so this thread will now be closed to avoid confusion with old information.
  12. A search finds no members with a name like that.
  13. Also, your intentions are unclear so far, GGKSPMC, but keep in mind that we do not allow forum members to link to services from which they will profit here on our forum (2.2.i).
  14. Looks like this is a duplicate thread.
  15. That is enough trouble from this thread. Off-topic posts will be removed and infracted. Insulting posts will be removed and infracted. The OP's age is no one's business but his own. Do not ask about it, and do not go offering him/her legal advice. If you find anything in this thread objectionable, just skip to the next thread, or if you believe something breaks forum rules, hit the report button. Now stay on topic, please. (And before anyone asks, some of your posts were removed not because they broke any rules but because they replied to or quoted posts which were removed, or were likely to drag the discussion off-topic again if left in public view.)
  16. This thread no longer seems to be relevant, and will be closed now to avoid confusion.
  17. The question is serious, but some of the answers were not and have been removed from this thread. Second warning, guys: keep it on-topic.
  18. Okay, so a man died, and he probably did some good things and he probably did some bad things, but please do not tear into each other about it here.
  19. Remember, people, that while it's okay to announce your role-playing sites here, the actual business of play (such as staking claims) needs to take place away from this forum. Roleplaying caused so much trouble here that we had to make a forum rule forbidding it. 2.2.j
  20. Verily, this is so, for every time politics comes up it turns into arguments, which is why we have a forum rule about it (2.2.b). One such post, insulting a candidate and likely offending that candidate's supporters, has already been removed from this thread. Please take those discussions somewhere else on the internet so that we can keep our little space game forum friendly.
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