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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. This looks like it's going to end up being a mission report, and so that is where the thread has been moved.
  2. Since this is not about KSP, the thread has been moved to the off-topic Lounge.
  3. It took 2 weeks, but they finally fixed whatever was not letting me upload pics.
  4. Playing on Windows? If you installed the game in Program Files, it squirrels away screenshots in some limbo, never to be found. Move the game to its own folder.
  5. Oop. Sorry. Missed that part. What aspect of screenshotting isn't working for you?
  6. Shoppers like to see pictures of the merchandise before they buy. How about some screenshots?
  7. Hello @Ourworldalpha1, and welcome to our forum. Our forum has been around for a while, and some of the threads are fairly old. This one, for example, is no longer current, so the thread will be closed now. We do hope you will participate in other challenges, though.
  8. This question about how to play the game has been moved to Gameplay Questions.
  9. Thread moved to The Lounge, since it's not about KSP itself.
  10. In fact, it seems to contain little that isn't outdated. Time to put it out to pasture.
  11. It goes by post count. The software merges consecutive posts if submitted within 10 minutes of each other. This is to prevent cluttering the screen with redundant avatars, signatures, and all that stuff.
  12. Because you didn't test each stage of the craft as you added it before sending the final assembly out on a real mission.
  13. Please explain your idea when submitting a suggestion, and give reasons why you think it's a good idea.
  14. Please have a look at the guidelines and re-submit this with more explanation and structure.
  15. Sounds like what's happening is that the intended root part and orientation of your craft is confused when you add rocket parts to them and fly them. Once on Minmus, right-click on the part you intended to be the controlling part of the craft, and from the menu that comes up, choose "control from here." Should put things back the way you expect.
  16. I was invited to participate in the beta, said no, and somehow was enrolled in it anyway. Since then, I have not been able to upload pics at all. It says "1 image loading," but never actually does anything. As much as I like Imgur when it works, they have not been able to keep the site running consistently for more than a week or two at a time in the 4 years that I've been trying to use the place, and I am considering switching to another host.
  17. I don't have an answer for that, not having used either, but I have moved your question to the place where it will be seen by those who have.
  18. Mod-use question moved to the mod-use subforum.
  19. 134: Don't make political jokes or remarks on our friendly space game forum, because it never ends well.
  20. Fictional companies, taking "jobs" for other people, fictional hurricanes delaying launches? However it started out, this thread has clearly turned into the kind of roleplaying we've had to ban from our forum due to the fights that it causes (2.2.j). You'll have to take the game to some site away from our forum, guys.
  21. Please remember to post in English, outside of the foreign language subforums.
  22. I know something about it, and it is an easter egg. Also, your question has been moved to its own thread.
  23. Computer purchase question merged into the master thread for this sort of thing.
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