[QUOTE][COLOR=#333333]... so much of my Rep, Post count, etc. [/COLOR][/QUOTE]
Neither of those will be affected. Those totals are kept separately, even if the posts themselves are deleted.
[QUOTE][COLOR=#333333]That's pretty accurate. Really i can only think of one or two serious problems that have occured there, for the most part it's a quiet and civil place. [/COLOR][/QUOTE]
You have that impression because we delete and infract the worst of it.
[QUOTE][COLOR=#333333]Moderators, you complain that the RB is rifle with RP but when you take it away, where is that RP going to go? It's going to seep back in somewhere else no matter what sub-forum you take down, it could get even worse. [/COLOR][/QUOTE]
Rocket Builders was originally split off from Craft Exchange for this very reason. Clearly, it didn't work.