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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Squad used to announce release dates, but it turned ugly and they stopped doing it. There is indeed a forum rule against asking about them (2.3.e), so this thread will be closed now.
  2. Rants are ignored, as others have pointed out, because there is nothing in them which can be acted upon. Bug reports are addressed as staff time allows, in the order that matters can be profitably addressed, and roughly in proportion to their severity and the number of players they affect. No one can guarantee that the particular problems you encounter will be Squad's priority. We post proper bug reports and then we wait our turn. And this is really all that can be said on the matter, so this thread will be closed now before it turns nasty.
  3. A couple of struts will fix that right up.
  4. Congratulations. I've been playing this game for 3 years, and still can't do this consistently. Also, moved to Mission Reports.
  5. Some posts have been removed from this thread. Please keep the discussion about the topic, please.
  6. We're debating about this. It's not gone, though, just in a different place. Also, overlapping threads merged.
  7. Guys, we mods are already aware of this thread. So far, you've stayed polite and kept politics out of things. Now please stop discussing us and get back to the topic. :D
  8. Hi Treble Sketch. Good luck with your project.
  9. Due to (semi-)popular demand, here are a couple more planes I made. The T-11 Nieselregenvogel was intended to resemble the Me-262, but turned out to be just a silly little plane that cuts ridiculously tight circles. It's underpowered and comes close to stalling, which I find kind of a fun challenge to fly. The F-20 Cursorial was a happy accident. I was just playing with aircraft layouts and ended up with something that has a 2 second takeoff roll out, can do 850m/s at wavetop height but can also stay in the air at 43m/s, and is quite nimble. It's actually a bit squirrely a low speeds and fine maneuvers, but still turns well at high speeds. Action 1 toggles the afterburner. .
  10. My new content markers keep track of what I have and have not viewed, properly, for the first time, EVER, in the 3 years I've been on this forum. Also, thread moved to Kerbal Network.
  11. This discussion of the forum has been moved to the forum discussion subforum for more discussion.
  12. I have seen this happen twice, with SSTOs I launched from the runway. I was "on runway" despite the craft being in orbit. I had to revert the flight to get around it.
  13. The launcher has not worked for some time. Sorry. Right now, the only way to update is to make a fresh download.
  14. Thread moved to the gameplay & help sub.
  15. Moved to Kerbal Network. You WANT Sal_vager on that wall! You NEED Sal_vager on that wall!
  16. Have you tried customizing your browser's color scheme? This is what I had in IE, before I stopped using it due to security warnings.
  17. When posting more than once in a thread, text left over from your previous posts in that thread sometimes comes up automatically in the new post compose window, and is hard to delete.
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