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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Looks like this is an old thread, and no longer relevant. We can unlock it, if OP ever wants to update it.
  2. Wait, it ended up in the wrong sub? Well, I guess I will fix it. Again. That's weird. I didn't move it the first time. Just deleted the old link and un-pinned, then re-pinned the thread. Anyway, it should be in the right place now.
  3. Resembles a bat more than a chicken.
  4. How bizarre. When I started reading this article, I was sure it was a prank. Seems to be a real thing, though.
  5. I think most people who are interested in such things have a sentimental feeling about Orion. It's very easy to spot, and so the first one many of us learn to recognize.
  6. I think I fixed it, kcs123. How does it look now?
  7. News about development can be found in the Daily Kerbal news section of the forum. As for suggestions on how to make the current version run better on your system, your thread will be moved to the support subforum.
  8. Since many if not most of these are not about KSP, the thread has been moved to the off-topic lounge.
  9. Congratulations. rendezvous-to-docking is one of my favorite activities in this game. So satisfying.
  10. Watch the tempers please, guys. No need to attack your fellow players.
  11. Some posts have been removed from this thread or edited. Please do not resort to personal insults.
  12. Congratulations. Also, moved to Mission Reports.
  13. Modding question moved to the modding subforums.
  14. For some time now I've been taking this design and loading it up for missions to Eve, Duna, and Dres. And using this one for trips to Moho, Eeloo, and the moons of Jool. As you can see, they are generic tractor ships, not built for specific cargoes. The side cargo mounts may look awkward, but actually serve quite well since big ships like this operate at very low accelerations anyway. I agree that they aren't pretty. My PC isn't particularly powerful, and I need to keep part counts to a minimum.
  15. Congratulations. I have yet to make a plane that can do this.
  16. I think it works, though I would suggest shortening the interval between the film starting and the ship appearing.
  17. If the mod is properly made, it should take care of this itself. Meanwhile, we are getting away from the purpose of this thread, guys. Which is welcoming newbies, and answering their newbie questions.
  18. Ship-sharing thread moved to the ship-sharing subforum.
  19. Congratulations. Also, moved to Mission Reports.
  20. My advice would be to ask in the modding subforums. And so, thread moved.
  21. Congratulations. Also, moved to Mission Reports.
  22. There are numerous ways to explain applying physical forces to things. The real trick would be to explain how they could be invoked by someone's thoughts, and how they could be used to read or change another person's thoughts.
  23. Some posts have been trimmed from this thread. Please keep the discussion on-topic, away from politics, and try not to attack each others' nationalities.
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