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Lead Moderator
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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Mod questions moved to the modding subforum.
  2. Please turn the discussion back to the actual topic, and keep in mind that references to "adult content" such as intoxicants are off-topic for this forum (2.2.c).
  3. Second warning for the thread: discuss the topic without calling each other liars and throwing around accusations of "propaganda," or we will start handing out infractions and/or close the thread.
  4. We're just making conversation in the Lounge, guys. No need to get mad about any of it.
  5. It can be if you want it to be. It just wasn't clear to me that this was what you wanted. I will move the thread now. Please look over the challenge rules, though, and perhaps edit the original post with them in mind.
  6. Please discuss the subject without resorting to insulting each other.
  7. Hmm. Looks like the project was abandoned before there ever was a link. Since the thread is about 2 years old, it doesn't seem like one is forthcoming, either. We'll close this thread until we hear otherwise.
  8. It means some extremely old posts got garbled as they were carried over through several forum software transitions.
  9. Squad's active! Forum's active! Everybody's active! Now that that's clarified, let's move on, please.
  10. By popular demand: me! And now, @Supernovy
  11. Might be a challenge, but looks more like a craft-sharing thread. Moved to Craft Exchange, pending clarification.
  12. How-to question moved to the how-to subforum. Carry on.
  13. Modding question moved to the modding subforum.
  14. Thread moved.
  15. Mod question moved to the mod subforum.
  16. This has happened before. It's some kind of minor Steam goof. There is no intention of putting KSP through Steam workshop. Closing the thread now before the rumor mill runs away with it.
  17. Unfortunately, we've tightened up our rules against role-playing. Dividing Kerbin into imaginary nations or companies is no longer allowed on the forum. If you're going to do this sort of thing, please take it to another place on the internet.
  18. Since the problem seems to lie in the mod rather than stock or aircraft design, your thread has been moved to the modding section.
  19. Sounds like a Mechjeb problem rather than a gameplay question, and so the thread has been moved to the add-ons section.
  20. Why are you not assembling ships in space with docking parts? Or are you talking about something else? Anyway, welcome to the forum.
  21. Old thread, old info. I wouldn't rely on much of the stuff here being still accurate folks.
  22. Looks like this a relic from before our no-roleplaying rules. Sending it back into the mists of time from whence it came...
  23. The off-topic Lounge is for stuff that isn't KSP-related. Since your post is about KSP, it is on-topic, and therefore off-topic for the off-topic Lounge. The thread has been moved to the craft exchange forum, in hopes of getting more pics of your plane.
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