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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Thread moved to the craft-sharing subforum.
  2. Characters on tv shows always keep stuff like this secret. It never goes well. Learn from their mistakes and tell others what's going on.
  3. If you're reporting on something you did, that is a Mission Report. If you look at the Challenges sub, though, it has a set of requirements to qualify as a Challenge.
  4. Looks like this needs to be in Mission Reports rather than Challenges. And so, moved.
  5. This is an impressive ship, and your English is just fine.
  6. Most of them are not easy to spot during approach even if you know where they are, but the bottom of the big grayish valley on Duna is quite flat.
  7. I can't believe this is coming up again so soon after the last time I had to say this. Squad is not a marketing company. some of the people now making KSP were working for a marketing company when they got the idea for KSP. They were split off from the marketing company several years ago as their own sub-company. They do not do marketing. Most of the people now working for Squad have never done marketing. KSP is Squad's first game, but it is the only product that this game software company currently makes. Please stop repeating this misinformation.
  8. And would that modder be you? Anyway, welcome to the forum.
  9. Threads merged. And rule of thumb: if it looks bizarre but flies, it's probably a Rutan.
  10. No, we're not talking about a 3.5-year-old website for the company that Squad used to be part of, before they split off and dedicated themselves to making KSP. No, it pretty much means exactly the opposite of what you're saying. Only a couple of the people working at Squad now ever worked on marketing.
  11. Sigh. No matter how many times this gets corrected... SOME of the people now working for Squad STARTED working together when they were employed by a marketing company. Squad was split off from that company. Squad itself IS a software maker, and nothing else. For the love of Mike, PLEASE stop repeating this erroneous complaint.
  12. Merged into the existing thread for this sort of thing. What name do you want to use, The Poster Formerly Known as Arknid sine?
  13. This does not sound like something that's supposed to be happening, and so your question has been moved from Gameplay to Support.
  14. The ethics of nuclear weapon use is outside the scope of this forum. Please save that sort of political argument for other websites.
  15. Question moved to support, pending clarification.
  16. Several of your objections assume that the structure would have a single spine of one sort of another. That is unlikely to be the case, for the reasons you cite. But the suspension bridges we're already been building for over a century weave many individual steel threads into massive cables, so that many individual elements could fail without the collapse of the entire structure. Some variation of this idea would probably be used on a space elevator.
  17. That thread has been closed. Also, this thread has been merged into the master thread for thread close/move requests.
  18. Since this is about the forum rather than the game, it has been moved to Network.
  19. If everybody just Googled everything, we'd have nothing to talk about. And isn't asking friend the more interesting method anyway?
  20. No problem. That's what we friendly neighborhood moderators are for.
  21. This report of a mission has been moved to Mission Reports.
  22. That is a nice plane. However, since this is not a challenge, the thread has been moved to craft exchange.
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