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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Telling other people they are flat-out "wrong" doesn't tend to result in polite discussions. Please take the rhetoric down a notch.
  2. This is a very old thread, @kangaroojoey, and unlikely to receive an answer. I suggest you make a thread of your own for this question.
  3. Please stop making new threads about the Kerbal Stuff thing, folks. There is already a thread for the recovery project here.
  4. Please don't keep starting new threads about Kerbal Stuff, people. Merged.
  5. Sorry you're bored, guy, but please don't start a whole new thread for it each time, okay? Merged.
  6. Let's not get carried away with the reaction image posts, guys.
  7. We will have to refer this sort of technical question to @KasperVld. What can you tell him about what you're looking for? The more specific the better.
  8. Some date and OP information on older threads got scrambled when we moved to the new forum software.
  9. This suggestion for the game's development has been moved to Suggestions and Development.
  10. Laughing Man, under "activity" in your profile, you can review posts you've submitted. Your oldest post there is from 29 May 2013. Is what you're looking for not there?
  11. Using airbrakes for stability is certainly an unconventional approach, but not something to insult each other over. Please ease off the tempers in this thread, guys.
  12. Squad has designated Curse as its official mod repository. This is not going to change any time soon. Please stop creating new threads about this, people.
  13. This is the 7th(?) thread about KerbalStuff. Please do not create any more threads about this, guys.
  14. Please just offer help to the OP, if you can. Let's not get into an argument over word choices.
  15. And by the way, there is a subforum for seeking help with bugs. This thread has been moved there.
  16. Guys, please quit with the joke answers. This thread is getting way off-topic.
  17. Modding question moved to the modding subforum.
  18. Moved to Kerbal Network, since this about the forum rather than the game. And yes, this is a known bug, but it doesn't seem to happen consistently.
  19. Please stop making new threads about Kerbalstuff, guys. They're everywhere. Take the discussion to the master thread, please.
  20. Kerbalstuff threads are getting out of hand. There are at least 5 already. Let's please take the discussion to this one, which I believe is the original.
  21. KerbalStuff is down, and no one here knows know why. Pretty much everything else in this thread is off-topic. Kerbalstuff is not affiliated with Squad, and is provided voluntarily by someone to whom Squad owes no obligation. The whole thing has nothing to do with Curse one way or the other. Please get back to expressing curiosity, well-wishes, or what have you about KerbalStuff itself, and layoff attacking and insulting each other, Curse, and Squad.
  22. Wow, did this thread ever get off-topic. Many posts removed. We're not here to discuss hospital staffing policies, people. Please stick to the point.
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