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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Thread closed by OP's request.
  2. It sounds like it's a matter of fuel usage shifting your center of mass around. Go to the SPH, empty the tanks, and see what that does. Adjust the design accordingly. Not easy, but part of the fun of making spaceplanes.
  3. Since the version is out, you can take your craft to this thread in craft exchange.
  4. You came in too steeply, and weren't able to slow to safe chute speed before opening it. Notice the parachute indicator was still red when you activated it? That means it will fail.
  5. Look in your spaceplane hangar. There are several new stock planes made specifically to land and takeoff from water. It's entirely do-able now.
  6. Modding question moved to the modding subforum.
  7. Modding question moved to the modding subforum.
  8. Modding thread moved to the modding subforum.
  9. Sorry, Silverfishstix. In the past, Squad caught so much grief for postponing releases and whatnot that they adopted a policy of not announcing dates in the first place, causing us to have to make a forum rule against asking about it. This thread will be closed now.
  10. Threads merged. Guys, please don't start a whole new thread for each aspect of 1.05. This is getting out of hand.
  11. I think the revenge comment was a joke, but let's not get carried away here, please.
  12. I'm told that our current forum software does not support this, but the new one we're intending to get might. Meanwhile, moved to Kerbal Network.
  13. Welcome anyway, Skybar.
  14. Never had problems with that decoupler. Pics of the ship?
  15. Removed some posts. People, if you don't like a challenge, just skip it. There's no need to be insulting about it.
  16. This suggestion for the game's development has been moved to Suggestions and Development Discussions.
  17. Removed some posts. Keep the discussions on-topic, please.
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