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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Never been in one, but I find them fascinating. Here's a terrific book about a guy who learns to fly them so he can be a military pilot in Vietnam. All kinds of cool technical information, plus combat stories.
  2. Hmm? You all know us. And posting here is how one reaches us.
  3. This is a very old thread, and the information in it is not so current anymore. The thread will be closed now to prevent confusion.
  4. Okay, moved to Kerbal Network, since it seems to be an idea for the forum.
  5. It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Superman! No, it's a plane.
  6. We had two threads about these movies. Now there is one. Merged.
  7. Vanamonde


    I made a guide for getting to the moons. It might be helpful.
  8. Are you suggesting this for inclusion in the stock game? If so we moderators can move the thread to the Suggestions area for you.
  9. As you are asking about real aircraft, your thread has been moved to Science Labs.
  10. Since you are seeking assistance with using a mod, your thread has been moved to the add-ons subforum.
  11. People, if you do not find a thread interesting, just skip it. Posting in it to criticize other people's posts doesn't add anything to the discussion.
  12. Vanamonde


    Please make the threads on our forum about something, okay guys? Sheesh.
  13. Hi KMC. Welcome to the forum. Unlike some rude people (whose posts have been removed) we are glad to have you. Anyway, yes, if you'd like to start a company of your own, you can create a thread in this section of the forum. Good luck with it!
  14. Psychotic_blaze, I fixed your pic link for you. The one you want is Imgur's BBCode link. Anyway, where are the wings breaking? I would suggest strutting not from one wing piece to the next, but from the fuselage to mid-wing, or some arrangement like that which distributes the stresses more widely.
  15. The thread has been closed, FishInferno. Thank you for calling our attention to it.
  16. Recently we've allowed some fund-raising posts for charity causes and the like, but yes, as a general rule, we'd rather this not be a site where people advertise services or ask for money. This thread will be closed now.
  17. Interstellar threads merged, to help keep the forum tidy.
  18. Planes are tricky. If you have a specific problem, you could ask about it in the Gameplay section.
  19. Pruned some posts from this thread. Please allow others time to reply before submitting additional posts, guys. Also, if you feel a post is a problem, please hit the report button on it and let us moderators deal with it rather than replying in the thread.
  20. It's obvious that people are deeply interested in this discussion, but it's also evident that tempers are building again, and it's getting personal once more. We'd rather not close the thread, but if it gets to the point where we have to choose between that and giving out infractions, the thread will be closed.
  21. Hi Monkey29399. I have landed everywhere, and still have stuff to learn.
  22. Since this question is about real rocketry rather than the game, the thread has been moved to Science Labs.
  23. Okay, the thread is just repeating itself now, and despite warnings, the personal attacks have continued. It's time to move on to other discussions now, guys.
  24. No new look. Maintenance was postponed for technical reasons. We will eventually get new forum software, but this ain't it.
  25. May I suggest the guide I made? Has pictures of the paths you'll need to take, and the guide does not use manuever nodes for the sake of simplicity.
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