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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. He is building a post count of extraordinary magnitude!
  2. The discussion hasn't been anywhere near the topic for several pages now, and much of it's been personal attacks. Time to put this one aside.
  3. This is going to end up being a craft-sharing thread, so let's just go ahead and move it to Craft Exchange now, shall we?
  4. Oopsie. This thread dates from a previous version of the game's aerodynamics system, and the discussions in it are no longer valid. The thread will be closed now to avoid confusing people.
  5. Looks like your crew compartment hatch might be obstructed by the RCS thruster? But nice-looking plane. I think I will steal that intake arrangment.
  6. Discussions in a thread, including opinions, should be about the topic of the thread. Disputing what should be allowed in a thread is off-topic, and getting close to "backseat moderating' (3.2). Please stick to the subject, guys.
  7. The last few pages of this thread have consisted mostly of personal attacks, and the thread has become unproductive. It's time to move on to other discussions, please, and watch the tempers.
  8. If we're talking outside of the game, then this thread belongs in the Space Lounge. And so, moved.
  9. Thread moved. No inconvenience.
  10. Did you try that craft file? Between the reaction wheels of the capsule, the gimballing of the engines, and the fins, it's got boat-loads of control authority, and is actually rather hard to flip, unless you're trying to make it flip. Put that ship on a new heading, and it will hold it. Also, the importance of fairings is commonly over-empasized. This guy put up a bit of a fight, but I was still able to fly it to Mun.
  11. You have the "snap-to-angles" turned off, which may have something to do with the orientation of the attached part. Click on that button that looks like a bull's eye, clear orientation changes with the spacebar, then try it again.
  12. Does the target ship move as if responding to the control inputs of the ship you are piloting? That is a bug that comes up sometimes.
  13. Not only is this tutorial not there anymore, "there" isn't there anymore since Spaceport was shut down. Closing the thread to avoid further confusion.
  14. The OP shouldn't need to police the thread. That's what we're for. Hit the report button and let us deal with it rather than get into a possibly contentious situation yourself. Members are free to message the moderator that issued the infraction, and to take it up the chain of command if that is unsatisfactory. KasperVld's word is final, though. There is no appeal beyond him. Reversals do happen, but are rare. Remember, we are constantly talking things over in a chat while we work, and each infraction requires the approval of a more senior moderator anyway, so it's not coming from just one person, but rather reflects the effort of the team. For that reason, the seniors have rarely deemed it necessary to un-do a moderation action. A badly translated recipe. Yes, you want your "warm" milk to be 5 times the boiling point of water. We try to react to the post rather than the person. Our subjective impression of the poster shouldn't enter into it. We do look at that person's infraction history, though, for a pattern of similar behavior. Some folks have participated in our internal chat while tipsy, but they know better than to take moderation action while under the influence. Not bad, thank you, though nasty hot.
  15. Buy it from Squad's own store. No DRM.
  16. No need to get mad at each other over this, people. As the game develops, some things get put on a back burner, or even cancelled. Other things get added. Also, things that already existed get re-worked, such as aerodynamics. That takes a lot of work. The rate of new features implemented is not an objective measure of progress. And no need to blame anyone over it, either.
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